Wrestling's Moment of Truth: Butt Drag — Good Move or Sex Assault?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member

I mean, it doens't really take a comic genius to see this one coming. In the end (heh!) the biggest flinch might be that the day has arrived:

A Fresno high school student is headed to court this week accused of committing a sex crime against a teammate on a wrestling mat.

At issue is a controversial wrestling move called the butt drag, which some say amounts to sexual assault.

Preston Hill, 17, has been charged with sexual battery after he performed the move on another student during wrestling practice. Hill is also facing expulsion from Buchanan High School, which is just outside of Fresno.

The move calls for one wrestler to grab the other between the buttocks to turn him.

For Ross Rice, the father of the alleged victim, the move went a little too far.

"This kid basically targeted my son, pinned him to the ground and assaulted him," he said.

Rice said his 15-year-old son was painfully penetrated for at least 30 seconds by his teammate's fingers during a wrestling drill last year.

Hill claims he was taught the butt drag by his coaches.

"They're sweating and grappling with one another," said Charles Magill, Hill's attorney. "There is a certain amount of give and take that's involved when you're in that type of an intimate sport. We defended by saying that the conduct that he's alleged to have done is overblown and completely out of context with what happened."

Encino's Crespi Carmelite High School wrestling coach Mike Odman says the butt drag is a legal move, but he would never teach his students to penetrate an opponent with their fingers.

"There's nothing in wrestling tactics that would say when in doubt, insert," Odman said. "That never comes into play."


And of course, it would not be nearly so dramatic if there wasn't more to it. The alleged victim claims the assailant threatened him prior to wrestling, and medical results suggest that butt drag maneuver did cause some injury.

Anybody who has paid a moment's attention to the sport knows this day has been coming. The wrestlers I knew in junior high and high school were all too painfully aware that they were donning tight, stretchy clothing and grappling intimately with other males, sweating and struggling for purchase, leverage, and, ultimately victory.

Now that day is here. And what of it?


Ravindhran, Subha. "'Butt drag' wrestler faces sex assault charge". KABC. December 9, 2010. ABClocal.Go.com. December 9, 2010. http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/state&id=7830788
Join the wrestling team so you can cop a feel? :shrug:

He did more than cop a feel....

I used to wrestle in high school...Can't say fingering was ever involved.

Kids today...Geez.:p

To the victor goes the spoils..And, in this case, the stinky fingers..
Well good ol' Fresberg is a pretty sexually repressed town... But if Buchanan High is anything like it was when I was in high school, I'd be careful penetrating any of the students with out a condom. STDs and HIV ran wild there, but I guess they don't automatically screen for those in sports physicals. :shrug:
Its interesting that no football or rugby players have been charged with sexual assult for using squirrel grips concidering its in no way a legal tackle
"Rice said his 15-year-old son was painfully penetrated for at least 30 seconds by his teammate's fingers during a wrestling drill last year."

Er, I doubt that, I really do. I really don't think the kid got a digital lycra wedgie. He perhaps just screamed like a pussy, so his dad thought he was being poked like one.

Here's the thing, I used to play Rugby, and in a scrum, the guys behind 'bind on' by putting their hand between your legs and grabbing the waistband of your shorts. Nobody ever accused anybody of crotch fondling. If you don't want to get touched, don't opt for contact sports.

When I did Judo, I threw people sometimes by grabbing loose material from their Gi trousers, usually the inner thigh, as you can lift through their centre of gravity. Again, nobody complained about contact near the groin.

I think the 15 year old's dad has some issues.
"Rice said his 15-year-old son was painfully penetrated for at least 30 seconds by his teammate's fingers during a wrestling drill last year."

Er, I doubt that, I really do. I really don't think the kid got a digital lycra wedgie. He perhaps just screamed like a pussy, so his dad thought he was being poked like one.

Here's the thing, I used to play Rugby, and in a scrum, the guys behind 'bind on' by putting their hand between your legs and grabbing the waistband of your shorts. Nobody ever accused anybody of crotch fondling. If you don't want to get touched, don't opt for contact sports.

When I did Judo, I threw people sometimes by grabbing loose material from their Gi trousers, usually the inner thigh, as you can lift through their centre of gravity. Again, nobody complained about contact near the groin.

I think the 15 year old's dad has some issues.

That doesn't answer my question, is a squirrel grip missconduct, assult or sexual assult?