
Today, workshops by many such instructors have allowed thousands in the U.S. to walk over burning how coals stoked to over 1200F with no ill effects at all!

I found this part to be pretty funny. It doesn't require any special training to walk over hot coals without harm. The ash and the like form at the top layer of the coals, this ash may not be colder than the coals, but it conducts heat very poorly, in fact coals themselves aren't even very good at conducting heat.

You can conduct effects similar to those of walking on hot coals any time you like. Just go home and bake yourself some cookies, by the time that they are done, everything in the oven should be at 350 degrees. The cookies, the tray you baked them on, the walls of the oven, and even the air inside the oven are all at 350 degrees. Notice, though, that when you stick your arm into the oven you don't get a burn, yet, if you touch the cookies you'll notice that they feel significantly warmer and you can only touch them for a few seconds at a time, if that, and if you try to touch the metal cookie tray then you'll certainly get burned. All of these things are the exact same temperature, why does this happen? As I said before, it's the same as the hot coals, not everything conducts heat very well, as such some things will burn you and other things will not. So long as you do not stand for too long on hot coals, your feet are going to be just fine.

It's not a psychic phenomena, it's not a mystic power of the mind, it's just basic thermodynamics.
Oh, and I like how your little web page there will, after you've been viewing it for a few minuets, automatically take you to the page where you can buy their crapy merchandise. That's really classy!
Yeah, that gets kind of annoying. But the facts on that page are still interesting.

The human calculator...two 13-digit numbers! 28 seconds!!
I think thats very intresting stuff.

Hmmm, Thats great that, that stuff can be done with out any kind of training, walking on flames 1500f I mean come on! Im even curious how they do it. Heck, I'll even try it. :)


goodbye...until we meet again...