

I was last week at a developmental biology conference in Helsinki and let me share some of this meeting with you. The best talk was on saturday by Paul Martin, who is doing wonderful research on the subject of woundhealing. He not only produces excellent articles, he was also an excellent speaker. He had these wonderful movies on woundhealing and I tried to find the ones that impressed me most to share them with you, but unfortunately I couldn't find those.

They had made a wound in the tail of a zebrafish and you could see macrophages coming out if the bloodvessels and moving towards the woundsite. Truly amazing to see.
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I've been battling atopic eczema for 10 yrs now, and seem to have it under control, a lot of that is down to the alternative treatment that I have sought. In terms of woundhealing, all the Docs could do for me was cover me with corticosteroids, and I don't need to go into how bad they are. But I have found that once the real underlying causes are identified, and tackled effectively, human skin can and does take care of itself, it has amazing healing ability. 5 years ago, my skin was in a horrific state, from head to toe, truly horrible. My skin resembled 3rd degree burns, was literaly "falling" off, exposing excrutiating wounds underneath. I tought that If ever did get better, my skin would be in a mess. I'm extremely lucky. I have virtually no marks left on by body. My skin now is a lot drier than normal, but even this problem is being addressed.
I've found a couple of things that have proved to be very effective for me:
1) Coral Calcium/
2)Omega 3 and 6 oils
3) glutamine.
4) high potency VitC
Pretty good, especially now that my skin is virtually back to normal (touch wood). It will always be a bit sensitive, but I live in England so I haven't had real sun exposure. I'm planning a trip to Pakistan next year to visit family (first time since 1989) so that would be a good test I guess. Like I said now the only issue left with my skin is the dryness, but I'm confident about that. I have very little body fat, now for a lot of people that would be a dream situation, but for me it's not good, I actually need to gain more subcutaneous fat, which will in turn add the natural oilyness that my skin needs (so loads of greasy food for me!). Like with any accute illness, I had many problems all of which were interlinked. For example my ligaments were also affected, in that they are also very "dry" so I'm taking a few things to sort them out too, one of which is high potency Glucosamine. Now much hype has surrounded Glucosamine, but all I know is that it has really helped me, along with the Omega 3 and 6 fats. The Glucosamine has really improved my ligaments, and the knock on affect has been my skin has incrased in its oilyness...but its a slow and steady process, and it requires patience!

Oh, and water! I guess for most people 1.5 to 2 litres would be more than enough, I get through on average 5 litres per day, simply because I have to. :)
Olive Oil my friend, puts the fat in the fat cells and not in the arteries (HDLP aka Bad cholesterol) so drink it by the gallon, rubbing your self in it could also help, though that would be weird (maybe not in some mediterranean countries)
...oh no not wierd at al. During the course of my treatment, I've applied many oils topically, Almond, Jasmin, and Olive. But at the hight of my illness, I used unbelievable amounts of Mustard oil.
bhudmaash, you said you tried natural remsdies, but I wonder have you tried any alternative healing, in the sense of hands-on (or off)?
yeah, I went to a lot of different kind of healers, before I found the right person for me. Thats the thing about being in a desperate position, you have to put asside all your previously held preconcepions, and fears, and just meet everything with an open mind. It was very educational for me, you know it just opens your mind. I didnt find faith healing for me, in that it didnt address my specific health problems. I visited a well known faith healer here in England, Stephen Turoff, lovely chap, and he definately does have something I mean there were people in his waiting room who'd travelled from Australia just to see him.
There's one thing about going through a really hard illness, it does give you a different/greater perspective on life, I know that sounds cliched and glibb, but meeting other people who are going through imense personal crisis (there were loads of people with horendous health problems, far worse than me) just makes you stand back and take a different look at things. :)
very eloquently put, and I'm pleased that you kept an open mind and didn't give up hope. Good on you :)

How would you rate your recovery now, in terms of say 100% being full fitness etc?

I'm very interested in healing, especially the idea of remote healing - simply by sending the thoughts out mentally.

What d'you reckon? Hooey or not?
I would say that my recovery would be around the 80-85% region, although as you can imagine it's hard to quantify such things. The thing is that the person who has been doing my treatment now for 8 years, is so good, that he says that not only will the specific problems that I originally went to see him for will be sorted out, but he said that I had several probs since birth, not major things, for example I have always been slightly under weight for example which is due to several factors..but hopefully they should get sorted.
I guess for me personally I was lucky in the sense that, depite the seriousness pf my problems, I didnt have anything that "couldn't be cured", I didn't have cancer or such like. So the possibility of overcoming my problems formed the seed of my motivation, and I focussed everything through that "hope". All battles are won and lost in our minds.
Now coming on to your point about healing, well we're really entering the realms of metaphysics and spirituality, and as such is an extremely deep and complex and essentially unknown area, and because of the nature of this subject it is very very easy to be exploited, which in turn supplements the views of non believers, who want/need science for proof.
Now people will all have their opinions on the matter, and yes they are all entitled to them, all I can say is that I have seen/experienced things during the last 10 years which I don't talk about in public, because it's just not worth it, you know I think reticence really is a sign of wisdom.
Many times have thought of posting things in either the religion or philosophy forums...but thought against it.
But I will say this, 99% of things that are real in that they do exsist , fall out of the reaches and understanding of "science" and will never be expained by science. Life is beyond science, believe me.
Now with regards to healing/healers it's my opinion that for every 1 genuine person, who has some ability, whatever the nature of that may be, there will be at least 10,000 frauds, maybe even more, so that in itsellf is a problem.
Just out of interest check out what the Quran and Hadith say with regards to spirituality, jinn etc etc, specially the last few surahs of the Quran.
Theres no doubt thers too much bullshit out there, but don't let that detract from the genuine.;)

I wonder, have you ever read any of Betty Shine's books on healing?

She said that any healer worth their salt would tell you they themself do nothing, that the energy surrounding and encompassing everything does it. The best healer is just the clearest radio transmitter, and anyone trying to pass off these 'talents' or 'skills' as their own is quite probably a fake.

She added that everyone is capable of this, it just comes down to your desire and honesty, it seems.

I have warts on the soles of my feet that cause me grief, and have done for years. Conventional medicine doesn't seem to do any good, knives and lasers just bloody hurt, so there isn't a fat lot left to try.

Only I live in rural SE Asia, so I'm investigating whatever I can that seems to make a bit of sense in the here and now of it
oh I'm sorry about that, warts can be bitches. Well my friend I can't offer any tangible useable advice to you sitting here in England, all I can say is keep on trying...don't leave any stone unturned. Don't fear facing frauds, you may have to endure 10 frauds before stumbling accross the right person for you.
ah but there is nobody around here, frauds or not.

Found someone the other month, 3 hours away - wanted 60 quid for a 90 munite reading first. People work in the fields for 2 quid a day here, so I think it's self-practice for the time being!


did you encounter any of the frauds insisting you believe this or that before you could be healed?

Did any of it intrinsically interfere with your spiritual / religious beliefs?
DB, what can I tell you!
Without going into too much detail (theres a limit to what one can divulge on a msg board), my life's had many many ups and downs.
I fell ill at the age of 18, which in itself was a big big thing to handle, I mean had to sacrifice everything for it, even (ironically entry into med school), I'm now 30, so thats over a decade of my life gone just like that. At the same time I fell ill, my father's business went bankrupt, we lost it, our homes everything. However my father suffered a breakdown and started drinking and consequently became violent towards my mother. By the time I was 19 my mother and sister had been put into a refuge by the police for their own safety, my parents' 20 year marraige was over. But the real damage was done by my father being duped by a so called spiritulist, who claimed would save my fathers business etc etc. My Father who was very cynical towards these type of things was at a very vunerable point in his life hence maybe thats why he was easy prey...whatever who knows, when something is going to happen, it will happen. There was a lot of wierdness that went on, very very complex, but in the end this person just wanted to destroy my father's life, and just get rich off him.
so by the time I was 21, my doctors had given up on me, and I knew in my heart of hearts that I would have to seek my answer else where, I was aprehensive at first, off course, given what had happened to my father.
I don't know, I just was so determined. The worse I got, the more determined became, I was damned if I was going to roll over and give up. I saw many people, and to be honest I dont think any of them were frauds per se (not like the bastard who ruined my fathers life) they all had something, but I guess it's like any field in life, you have ordinary people who are OK at what they do, then you have the real gifted ones, a little like sport I guess! There are many boxers, but only one Mohamed Ali, many basketball players, but only one Jordan etc etc.
So my problem was just out of their hands...but tell you something they had more sucess than 4 years of seeing conventional Doctors.
But going back to your point, no,....I didn't fear the frauds,..not really, I was so mentally focussed, I just went for it. had to, I had no choice, this was my war, and I was going to win.
The word faith really gets overused, it gets banded about a lot. But one's faith is an extremely personal thing, you can't learn it, you're not given it, it's just a path each person has to follow, in their own way, and come to their own destination.
So, me personally...no I wasn't afraid of the frauds, it didn't interfere with my own faith, my own beliefs, on the contrary they got stronger,...but thats just me. many many people get disenchanted and as a resut loose hope.
I guess I'm just a stuborn Bastard. :D
Shit, Bhud, you've been through the mill a bit eh?

But you've come out the other side strengthened. Sad to hear about your father's troubles. The stigma that can go with a loss of possessions or assumed status can be really big and nasty.

So, I guess you've had lots of time inactive physically, meaning you've used that time with mental pursuits, no?

I'm intrigued by you

Lol!....nothing to be intrigued by my friend, me nothing special, just some schmuck who just did what had to be done.
I'm just lucky that no one told me "no...nothing can be done, it can't be cured" so I took that as a ray of hope, clung onto it like a mad man, and used it somehow. I look at kids with leukemia, and stuff like that...damn, thats courage.
As far as mental pursuits, well.....I certainly became very introspective, which isn't a bad thing I suppose. One thing I will say though, is when you go through any sort of accute physical pain, the body (meaning all aspects, physical, mental etc etc) kind of "seals" off it's emotions like a sort of emerency precaution. It's only when you come out of it the other end, ie: the pysical trauma has ended, that the mind then reflects on everything, and thats when you have to re-adjust, and just handle the emotional side of it. I actually completely under estimated (well ignored actually) the emotional side of things. I thought, once I got my health back everything would be hunky dorey, and I'd just hit the ground running and BINGO. Nooo way! I couldn't have been more wrong! It's only now that the full impact of everything, (not just the illness, but my parents splitting up, my dad and everything) is finally hitting me. So just say I hadn't fallen ill when all my other problems happened, then all the emotional effects that would've occoured back then didn't, because my body had to deal with the immeadiate problem of the illness, hence all those emotions got put on "hold", and it's only now that I'm having to deal with them.
.....it's all a learning curve my friend.;)
I think I understand :)

Occasionally I come close to hurting myself (bumping into things and generally being clumsy, not suicidal!), and the thought of the consequences and the pain that may follow is almost always much more acute than actually having the minor accident and getting on with the recovery.

I fell off my motorbike last summer (it was my fault: I was chasing a chicken) and badly burned my leg on the engine, but the month-long pain, however uncomfortable, seems to have long since faded and in it's place is a stop sign saying 'don't go there again'. Should I think on how it would be if I go there again then that seems to 'hurt' more than the actual injury.

It seems as if the body knows how to cope with trauma on a large-ish scale, but when the waters clear there still remains the reisdue at the bottom, that may rise to the surface unnoticed. This is not to be overlooked I see.

Anyway, Bhud, you're no schmuck OK. Strikes me you've got more balls (can't stand the phrase, but what do we English say here...I can't remember) than most of the schmucks I come across.

I just came back from a meeting in the US and there Mark Ferguson also gave an excellent talk about woundhealing. He is looking at the role of TGFbeta in woundhealing, but not only that. He is also CEO of a company that is applying this knowledge. Apparently the trials are very promising and his anti-TGFbeta might be really useful in the near future.