Would you want to know?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Thinking of th Tilmann case, let's say your child died in a war. Would you want to know the truth, or is it better just to believe in the official version?

I am a big believer in white lies. People can't handle the truth very well, so I say, yes, tell me my son died figting the evil enemy and not because an idiot from his own company shot him in the back...

Same with the Iraq war. It is much nicer to believe that the fallen were spreading freedom and not fighting for big oil's interest.

Keep the legend alive!!!!

P.S.: Most people here will say,yes they want to know the truth, but in reality, they don't....
Imagine falling for the official story for years to find later in life that it was a lie. Better to get the truth out up front, morn, and move on.

Say your wife was sleeping around and got knocked up by your brother... Would you wanna know or would you have preferred putting the kid through college and then have the truth come out? :bawl:

I think most people prefer the truth no matter what...Do you thing the Tillman family is happy with the cover up that was done? Kinda of opens up old wounds...
Imagine falling for the official story for years to find later in life that it was a lie.

But the whole point was, you wouldn't learn the truth later.

Say your wife was sleeping around and got knocked up by your brother... Would you wanna know or would you have preferred putting the kid through college and then have the truth come out?

Actually, I would prefer the lie, because then I would have a person as a son (who is by the way half family anyway) and I would have a living brother. :)

I think most people prefer the truth no matter what...

You are wrong. See the thread on why people can't handle the truth...

Do you thing the Tillman family is happy with the cover up that was done?

That is because the cover up didn't work. Let's say it works for 20 years or forever. Wouldn't the Tillmans be happier with the lie?

P.S.: By the way that's why Americans can't take the truth on Iraq so easily. Even if they would get it with their minds, they would rather believe the lie with their hearts...
..., yes, tell me my son died figting the evil enemy and not because an idiot from his own company shot him in the back...

I think that's fine ........except that too many people knew the actual truth about it, so sooner or later it would come out. Then what would you do???

By the way, they didn't shoot him in the back, he got in the front ....as if it makes any difference.

But I agree with you about the "truth" ...most people really, really don't want to know the truth about many things in their lives. But the problem is that some idiot, jerk reporter is going to do a story about it or write a fuckin' book and spill all the beans. We didn't do shit like that during or after World War II because people tended to believe in the good rather than the bad.

Today, people seem overly anxious to hear about all the bad rather than the good. In fact, whenever there's something good that happens, people begin to wonder where all the bad is that brought about the good.

Baron Max
Is not the truth what we believe even if it isn’t? You can prove something to me all day but until I believe it, it will be a lie to me. That’s why two people can see the same accident and tell the opposite stories. Two people can see a rose one sees a stick with thorns and never touch it. The other only looks at the beauty and has to feel it, smell it and enjoy it.
Wilderness Joe
Well the whole problem wasn't that there was a governmental coverup, but a few generals who totally loused the whole affair up.

Now, I could see their dilemma: They have to tell the family something besides "It's still under investigiation." so they gave the "Killed during an enemy ambush." which unfortunatley implied died of enemy fire. Technically they didn't lie but it painted the wrong image. Then one of them coughs up the truth, then lies outright and then the whole mess happens.

In truth Tihlman died of friendly fire during an enemy ambush. Regrettably he died trying to identify himself positively in order to avoid friendly fire. Thankfully he keeps his silver star, such as it is. Yes he died of friendly fire, but it was an accident. His family should have been told from the beginning that the Military was investigating the exact cuase. It would have save great amounts of anguish.

However in all of this it is more human error than malicious intent.
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Mr. Scott--

It seems to me that malicious intent is, in fact, a human error. And yes, I know I'm splitting hairs.

As to the topic, I would rather know the truth as quickly as possible. The truth is but one thing the government owes the people who empower it.
The truth is but one thing the government owes the people who empower it.

Who knows how many times we avoided a nuclear misshap, but we don't know about them, because they kept it secret. Supposed that they fixed the problems causing them, I sleep much better NOT knowing about them...
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Syzygys said:

I sleep much better NOT knowing about them

Very good point, indeed. I remember nights during the Cold War, when we were supposed to be very frightened because the Soviets were going to try to blow us up at any moment now. I would wake up in the middle of the night sometimes, thinking I was about to die. And then the roar of the jet engines would fade, and I would realize it was just an airplane.
Mr. Scott--

It seems to me that malicious intent is, in fact, a human error. And yes, I know I'm splitting hairs.

Actually malicious intent is a human fault, no is ever malicious by error, you have to intend to be malicious. Human error is a simple as a freudian slip sometimes.
When you are informed that your son died in a war, it is better to believe it and be proud than knowing that someone from his own side killed him and getting hatred.

what ever you believe you wont him back. Be proud and happy.
Yes I would want to know.

Let's say your parents didn't plan you, your mom's pregnancy was an accident. Would you want to know?

Or your real father is the postman. Would you really want to know???

Give me a good lie over reality anyday.... (and I can take the truth)
Thinking of th Tilmann case, let's say your child died in a war. Would you want to know the truth, or is it better just to believe in the official version?

The truth. But your question is a bit odd. Who is the person who 'would' want to know. Do we tell someone there are two versions of their son's death and one is true and the other is better and they can choose which to here. The question is very hard to honestly answer since no one can be in the position to choose. But for me knowing there is bullshit and lies and one more bit of waste in a stupid war is also information. It takes nothing away from my hypothetical son.

I am a big believer in white lies. People can't handle the truth very well, so I say, yes, tell me my son died figting the evil enemy and not because an idiot from his own company shot him in the back...

I agree, people often, perhaps usually can't. All the more reason to want to know it. To have one's bearings. To understand the world, politics, God or the universe, etc. Rather than feeling, however unconsciously, that I have to keep this out of my mind, not really pay attention to body language or contradictions in official statements both private and public. To want anything is else is to invite Big Brother and a cheating wife and a glue sniffing son, or friends who do not really give a shit about you.

What you are advocating is essentially a drug, only it is a drug so commonly addicted to that most people do not know they are addicts. This denial and desire to be lied to soothes and controls emotions and holds away fear.

Same with the Iraq war. It is much nicer to believe that the fallen were spreading freedom and not fighting for big oil's interest.

It's also a world where you see yourself as completely passive as playing no part at all. With this attitude there is absolutely no need for democracy. (and since my eyes are open, is part of the reason we don't really have democracy now). If you don't know the truth you cannot function in a democracy, or a relationship for that matter. You can choose, but your choices are guided. Choosing to stay with the wife who constantly cheats on you is not a choice is you don't know. Choosing to walk around in a daze about what is really going in is not citizenship. Why not have one last election for a dictator, which is perhaps what the majority really want, and get it over with. The dicatator can then tell you that there was a vote now and then and you can nod and believe him, happy as a clam.

P.S.: Most people here will say,yes they want to know the truth, but in reality, they don't....

Sadly, I think you are right.
I would want the truth.

The truth is that you are fat, average looking and intellect and your real father is the postman.

Happy now? ;) Weren't you happier before obtaining this information?
The truth is that you are fat, average looking and intellect and your real father is the postman.

Happy now? ;) Weren't you happier before obtaining this information?

You're amusing.
Same with the Iraq war. It is much nicer to believe that the fallen were spreading freedom and not fighting for big oil's interest.
More importantly, if others believe that, then they'll be more apt to fight. Hence lying is patriotic. Whoever blabbed about Tilman needs to be shipped to Leavenworth.
Let's say your parents didn't plan you, your mom's pregnancy was an accident. Would you want to know?

Or your real father is the postman. Would you really want to know???

Give me a good lie over reality anyday.... (and I can take the truth)

I was supposed to be aborted actually(my mom ran away to avoid that). My mom's pregnancy was an accident, and it doesn't bother me at all. There are things that I know that I would rather not. For example, the virtual impossibility of the existence of a god. It's not important to me how or why something is, only that it is.