Would you still Believe or Disbelieve?

Would you still believe/disbelieve?

  • I currently DO believe in god(s) and given proof that he/she/it/they did not exist I would STILL bel

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I currently DO believe in god(s) and given proof that he/she/it/they did not exist I would NOT belie

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I currently DO NOT believe in god(s) and given proof they he/she/it/they did exist I would STILL NOT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I currently DO NOT believe in god(s) and given proof they he/she/it/they did exist I WOULD believe.

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • I am incapable of answering this question.

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters

Grey Seal

This poll is *mostly* directed at theists and strong athiests. For agnostics I think that the answers would be obvious.


The choices that will be given and a sort of 'explainaition' of each one, to assure there is no confusion:

*READ*- Assume that all proof is IRREFUTABLE. Assume that after it has been proven to you there is no *logical* doubt in your mind that that god does/does not exist in these questions(opposite of whatever you believed in the first place). Assume that it has been PROVEN to you, beyond a doubt...no if's, and's, or but's. You are as sure that god does/does not exist as you are sure that 1+1=2. No bullshit about what 1 or 2 really are, this isn't a trick question...don't read into it. If you are incabable of answering the question, don't answer it. Don't just respond because you feel obligated by your faith/history/whatever. Please don't respond that it isn't possible either. I don't care, this is HYPETHETICAL. Once again, if you are incapable of answering/making sense of it...please do not respond.

#1. I currently DO believe in god(s) and given proof that he/she/it/they did not exist I would STILL believe.
--You believe in god, and given logical, irrefutable proof you would still continue to believe. It is obvious that myself or anybody else can not prove/desprove the existence of god. For the sake of this poll, assume that I have. Assume that I have logically disproved the existence of god...logically beyond a shadow of a doubt. From a logical point of view, you would be so sure that god did not 'logically' exist as you are sure that 1+1=2. Please don't try to read into this, or give me any bullshit about what 1 or 2 really are, please, for the sake of the pole make the assumptions.

#2. I currently DO believe in god(s) and given proof that he/she/it/they did not exist I would NOT believe.
Same explaination as above, only you would NOT continue to believe.

#3. I currently DO NOT believe in god(s) and given proof they he/she/it/they did exist I would STILL NOT believe.
--You do not believe in god(s), and given logical, irrefutable proof you would still continue to disbelieve. It is obvious that myself or anybody else can not prove/desprove the existence of god. For the sake of this poll, assume that I have. Assume that I have logically proved the existence of god(s)...logically beyond a shadow of a doubt. From a logical point of view, you would be so sure that god did 'logically' exist as you are sure that 1+1=2. Please don't try to read into this, or give me any bullshit about what 1 or 2 really are, please, for the sake of the pole make the assumptions.

#4. I currently DO NOT believe in god(s) and given proof they he/she/it/they did exist I WOULD believe.
Same explaination as above, only you would NOT start to believe.

#5. I am incapable of answering this question.

All questions are hypethetical. No prove can be provided to support either way. In the questions above, all proof is 'PROOF' and irrefutable. Assume that there is NO dount in your mind, since these things are *proven* to you. Just assume. If you are incabaple of making that assumption, then please do not respond to the poll.

I know how some people like to read into things or find a loophole or what have you. Please take this question for face value and do not read into it. I did not mean this as a trick question or anything to prove your faith/belief system wrong, no matter what you believe in. I'm simply interested in the results and trying to learn more about how faith and logic/reason interact with eachother (or don't). If you vote one or another you don't have to justify it of course, but no matter what you vote i'd like to learn why you've selected that choice and how you came to that conclusion, if you wouldn't.

Take the answers for what they are. If they aren't in the responses don't assume they *might* be. If I've messed up in the pole please tell me how I could have made it better. I'm *really* interested in the results.

Sorry for any errors i tried to make as few as possible...sorry if i haven't explained things well enough. Sorry for being redundant, but some points I *really* wanted to make clear about the poll.

Just to clarify, I'm more interested in why you chose the answer that you chose instead of what you chose. I'm trying to understand this better.
I was thinking the other day, if God did exist and for some reason made it his number one priority to prove he existed to me, what would he need to do?

I think a few simple request to show some omnipotence would suffice. you know, read my mind, make something appear out of thin air. wouldn't that be cool. i don't know what i would ask for. maybe to make me omnipotent, but i don't know if he would do that, that's kind of like wishing for more wishes. oh well.

I can't really fathom how another person could prove to me the god existed, or the other way around. maybe they could give evidence or testimony, but proof? I know this is a hypothetical question, i'm just wondering about how it could be done, if one were to embark on such a mission.
On a sidenote, if a god/gods/whatever was proven, that does not mean I would worship it. :)

Anyway, to get to the point, if a god(s) were proven as solidly as 1+1=2 I would believe in... whatever that god(s) was. ;)