Would you label this as racism?


Stop pretending you're smart!
Registered Senior Member

African-American football players caught up in the rebellion and buffoonery of hip hop culture have given NFL owners and coaches a justifiable reason to whiten their rosters.

In terms of opportunity for American-born black athletes, they're going to leave the game in far worse shape than they found it.

Keep in mind that the author of this article is also black.
That's what I was thinking. Plus I think the fact that it is a black author, puts more emphasis on it being a problem, which he obviously thinks there is, and can bring more attention to it w/o people trying to accuse it of being just a racist thing.
Great article, Mike. I personally cannot stand "showboating". There was a run-back for a touchdown in a game on Sunday, I forget which team it was, but the player began to strut and celebrate 10 yards before he crossed the endzone. I hate that.

One thing I will disagree with the article on, T.O. has been a real leader on the Cowboys this year, and has shown true sportsmanship. He has seemed to change his normal selfish behavior with team spirit...which is a good thing.
Great article, Mike. I personally cannot stand "showboating". There was a run-back for a touchdown in a game on Sunday, I forget which team it was, but the player began to strut and celebrate 10 yards before he crossed the endzone. I hate that.
It wasn't Junior Seau (linebacker for the Patriots) was it?

One thing I will disagree with the article on, T.O. has been a real leader on the Cowboys this year, and has shown true sportsmanship. He has seemed to change his normal selfish behavior with team spirit...which is a good thing.
True, and I've been quite impressed with his behavior this year, compared to his previous behaivor,* but how many more multiple-interception games can Tony Romo have before T.O. snaps like he did in SF and Philly?

*even though he has calmed down, you can see comments that he makes during the game to let you know that T.O. is still all about T.O. before he is all about the team.

This even applies to my Tennessee Titans, who have, aside from Atlanta's Mike Vick, the highest profile black troublemaker player, Pacman Jones. He's suspended for the whole season for all his off-field antics.

Here's an interesting statement in the article:
Race is not the determining factor when it comes to having a good or bad attitude. Culture is.
That statement does put it into perspective.
Without reading the article, I would still question the claim that "it is not racist because the author is also black". Nothing personal, but in my opinion, that is a load of bullshit.
Without reading the article, I would still question the claim that "it is not racist because the author is also black". Nothing personal, but in my opinion, that is a load of bullshit.
What's a load of bullshit? The article or that it would be perceived as racist?

I think the author is right about the article. Every football player that he mentions in the article has, by one action or another, brought negative PR upon the NFL.
wouldn't it be racist against whites since a black guy can it and its ok, but if a white guy said it, there would be hell to pay?
wouldn't it be racist against whites since a black guy can it and its ok, but if a white guy said it, there would be hell to pay?
I don't think so in this case because the author isn't going off on white guys. Yeah, it would most definitely be percieved as racism if the author was white, even if the author was speaking the truth.

I'm not totally clueless when it comes to football but I'm not a guru either but if you asked me who was in hot water, or who was suspended this year for whatever league violation, I honestly couldn't name one player that wasn't black that's on that list. Every single player that I know that is suspended, is black.
With that said, that doesn't mean that there aren't any non blacks that are suspended.
I don't think it's so much racist as much as it is lazy and stupid. The issue of pro athlete conduct is out of hand, and it's easy to draw a line between black athletes and hip-hop culture. Much like was pointed out during the Michael Vick controversy, there are greater problems facing pro sports.
, there are greater problems facing pro sports.

Uh, like what? AFAIC, this IS the greater problem facing sports: not so much the hip hop culture, but the unprofessional on and off field/court behavior of professional athletes. This isn't limited to football or black people; lest you forget about the referee scandal in the National Basketball Association.
Mikenostic said:

Uh, like what? AFAIC, this IS the greater problem facing sports: not so much the hip hop culture, but the unprofessional on and off field/court behavior of professional athletes. This isn't limited to football or black people; lest you forget about the referee scandal in the National Basketball Association.

Okay, we agree that this isn't about football or black people. To answer your question, I'll refer you to this post from the Vick controversy, instead of simply customizing a cross-post:

So more than worrying about Vick's dogs versus all the fuzzy unfortunates around the country, it may be that the real hypocrisy is that we're making a big deal out of it while continuing to endorse with ticket and merchandise money, and with general indifference, widespread domestic violence.

Of course, there's also the flip-side whenever an athlete or musician decides to be political: "Shut up and play!" It doesn't seem much of a stretch to wonder if something similar is afoot here. We pay these players to score points and win games. We do not pay them to give deep thought to anything but scoring and winning. And, maybe, that demand is showing through.


Domestic violence is the first thing to mind. Our general regard for pro athletes is another.
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Our society allows blacks to be as racist as they want to, it's the whites who aren't permitted to be racist.

A case in point is the Jena 6. A piece of rope tied as a noose was found hanging from a tree. So to retaliate, six black kids beat the shit outta' one white guy. So, even tho' the white guy is beaten and hospitalized, the blacks of the nation condemn the whites for being racists. ...LOL!

And you'll take note also, ...if six white guys had beat up a black kid, that would have also been racist. If one white guy beat up six blacks, that's also racist. But the other way around?? Oh, no, golly, if a black man is harmed in any way, it's all because of racism. ...LOL!

Baron Max
I don't think so in this case because the author isn't going off on white guys. Yeah, it would most definitely be percieved as racism if the author was white, even if the author was speaking the truth.....

no is it reverse racism, cuz a black guy can say it, but a white guy can't?
Does it matter who's saying it? It's categoration based on skin color. It's racism, right or wrong.

Or, is it categorization based on being a complete asshole, with skin color just happening to correllate?
Baron Max said:

A case in point is the Jena 6. A piece of rope tied as a noose was found hanging from a tree. So to retaliate, six black kids beat the shit outta' one white guy. So, even tho' the white guy is beaten and hospitalized, the blacks of the nation condemn the whites for being racists. ...LOL!

And you'll take note also, ...if six white guys had beat up a black kid, that would have also been racist. If one white guy beat up six blacks, that's also racist. But the other way around?? Oh, no, golly, if a black man is harmed in any way, it's all because of racism. ...LOL!

What should we think, Max, when you consistently leave out details in order to re-frame a situation to justify your pathetic belly laugh?

Maybe because reality isn't as funny to you?
How's it racist, regardless of who says it? It's simply an observation.
Well, I guess since it's an observation regarding race, it's necessarily racist. And evil.

Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!
Such are the PC times we live in.

It's a bummer that Western society hates science so much. We're definitely going to lose out on technology to the east if we don't take a step back and address all our cultural impediments to making cyborgs and giant mechs that fight aliens in space.