Would this make a good relgion?


Registered Member
Below is a link to an idea. It does one better than religion, it's based on scientific speculation. Considering the power of religion as it has erected the great pyramids of Egypt and caused great wars, wouldn't a religion based on real scientific principles make a better religion?

The religious science of Ouranos

Ok. This site sounds like it was written by a very amature science fiction writter. Based on radical and random beliefs, therefore disallowing a feesable religious structure.

In reference to a relgion made more acceptable backed by modern science is both a good idea and futile. If existance was as easy to read as a book then yes, Sunday Mass would be in auditoriums around the world filled with students from everywhere learning everything from polymer chemistry to quantum physics. Since there is more to being than paper and pencil, a religion wholly backed on what we know today would automatically flawed. We do not know everything let alone are not even capable of comprehending the idea of "nothingness". But I must state that a religion without any scientific backing is more than just a leap of faith, but just another fictious story.