Would the world be better if there was no gender?


Sanity going, going, gone
Valued Senior Member
What if instead of males and females there was only one gender (physically as well as mentally), if everyone was Hermaphroditic (Think girls, but with dicks: fully functional sets of BOTH sexual organs). Would the world be better off? There would be no sexism, no homosexuality disputes... twice the dating population.
no I like having a world with one gender. Maybe of course the world would be better if there were only women.
I'd prefer just having animals and vegetation with no humans at all to screw up this world.
Well if no one can think of problems I can:
"No one is your friend, everyone wants to fuck you": Usually when your make friends of the same gender you don't have to worry about them wanting to sleep with you, if the whole world were hermaphrodites, there is no such luxury.

"Self-fertilization": Though based on my idea of an ideal hermaphrodite it would be impossible to copulate with ones self (can't bend your erect penis into your vagina) it would not be hard to fertilize your self (just a matter of not washing your hands after jerking off, and putting them in the wrong place), so would making clones of your self be wrong if you could do it naturally?

"The Conga Line": Orgies would look even more grotesque with everyone being able to link up into one obscene mass of undulating flesh.
Good things come from disagreement. Suppose we were all exactly the same, constantly in agreement, we would be in the same mindset as we were thousands of years ago.
I'm not saying difference is bad, I'm just asking that if this one difference was removed would the world be better off?
Well if no one can think of problems I can:
"No one is your friend, everyone wants to fuck you": Usually when your make friends of the same gender you don't have to worry about them wanting to sleep with you, if the whole world were hermaphrodites, there is no such luxury.
I have many female friends, a lot more than male actually.

As for the topic at hand, I don't know, it would be different, that's for sure. Better or worse, I'm not even sure if those terms can be applied.
What if instead of males and females there was only one gender (physically as well as mentally), if everyone was Hermaphroditic (Think girls, but with dicks: fully functional sets of BOTH sexual organs). Would the world be better off? There would be no sexism, no homosexuality disputes... twice the dating population.

you never see homosexuals arguing with each other

You didn't get it, he meant that no-one would be against homosexualism, because it would not be existent, i.e., there wouldn't be any tension in the society about the issue.
You didn't get it, he meant that no-one would be against homosexualism, because it would not be existent, i.e., there wouldn't be any tension in the society about the issue.
so if two homosexuals are arguing with each other the ultimate cause is that other people have a problem with it?
