Would Jesus have performed abortions?


During the time of Christ, a girl who became pregnant and was not married would probably be driven from town, if not stoned to death. Had a girl come to Jesus and explained this to him, what would he have done? Just let her be ostracized or even killed? Would he have helped here out by performing an abortion?
Well, That's What I Would Do Anyway

If, as is my understanding, Jesus was anything like Jeeves from "Jeeves and Wooster," he would have gotten his cousin or somebody to come into town to pose as the woman's out-of-town husband until the baby was born. The episode would end in a riotous slapstick scene with everyone getting very embarrassed and nonetheless having a good hearty laugh.
He should have converted her to christianity, then if she got stoned it wouldn't matter cos she'd go straight to heaven. ;)
Already does

Unless someone would like to write a new treatise on the Holy Trinity, it can safely be said that Jesus does perform abortions. For, after all, a miscarriage, or even an abortion at a doctor's hand, is still the Will of God, without which, by Christian theology, nothing happens.

For the record, God used to have an agent for just that. See Kasdaye:
A fallen angel who teaches ”a variety of demonic practices, including abortion.” He is one of seven angels reputed to have led the apostate angels.
I'll look it up in Davidson, but it seems to me that I recall that Kasdaye as well as others, fell. I believe Kasdaye to be one of the Grigori (Watchers); see also nephilim.

(Another link on nephilim, since I came across it in the search.)

Tiassa :cool: