Would ET be posting at Forums?

Would ET be posting at Forums?

  • YES

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 3 60.0%

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craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
Would ET be posting at Forums?

IF there are ETI”S with the technology to get here what are your thoughts about them actually posting at forums to interact with us? For what ever reason you may think of.
This is one of those let_your_imagination_run_wild questions.

It is as likely there are flying purple dragons posting on forums.

Could you have possibly asked a sillier question?

The poll is operating under the assumption that ETI exists. Not even ETI, but advanced enough to get anywhere near earth. And not even getting near earth, but finding a way to translate their language, will be nowhere near a latin, greek, roman, or whatever base, into english, let alone find an ISP that will support outside earth service, or maybe hijack a satellite for the express purpose of writing pithy threads about humans talking about ETI.

So, no.

and... this post explains much about who you are and why you say what you do in regard to anything involving aliens/extra-terrestrial civilations...

You appear to be just another UFO buff type person who happened to obsess over one, rather original, aspect of pure conjecture - crater chains from bomb.

I understand more now, I was afraid you took yourself seriously. Apparently now, now.

And not even getting near earth, but finding a way to translate their language, will be nowhere near a latin, greek, roman, or whatever base, into english

A small child can learn an alien language. So why can't an alien learn an alien language? ;)
Craterchains: It's not very far-fetched that they could interact with us on the internet. In fact, Nancy from Zetatalk, regularly relays alien messages, heck, the aliens even participate in debates against inferior humans - personally, I think she's a kook.
Now you understand how we feel about you.
What makes your unsubstantiated claims any more valid than hers?

:m: Peace.
I also hope you understand what I feel about you. I am honest enough, to test all claims, wether they are AGAINST or even FOR my stance. Yet you, and your band of pseudo-intellectuals have stooped so low, that you swallow and regurgitate on anything that you are given, simply to enforce your opinion.

And please mind your tongue. What you continue to shamlessly call unsubstantiated, has been suppoted with 50+ pages of evidence + a disclosure of a British government cover-up. You, and your band of pseudo-intellectuals, have not even provided a shred of evidence to support your contention. Instead, like children, all you have done, is sling mud at me, the witnesses,the proofs, or at others supporting ETI. And you goofyfish, who is suppose to set an example for others and has been given responsibilities to ensure healthy discourse, have turned a blind eye to the excessive deconstructive comments made by your band of pseudo intellectuals, and on the contrary have gone around spinelessly editing and deleting the posts of those who support ETI.

You, and your band of pseudo-intellectuals are not exempt from your own demands of substantiation. I have done my job, honestly, and sensibly. Now, if you have the balls, take on my arguments, and don't hide like a coward in the wilderness.
Now why would any technologically advanced alien race need a “person” to relay messages? (That is too fucking lame in any notion to take seriously) So I agree with yah Mikey, she is probably a fraud.

Don’t let these losers and slanderers get to you Mikey, they are just doing their “jobs”.
Crater, thank for your support. I very much appreciate it. I have not let them get to me, I just pity their very low intelligence. I personally do not see, how they think what they think, because I operate at a much higher level of intelligence. To me, it's nothing but common sense. I am at fault here though, as I'm making the assumption, that it is common sense - to them, it's probably rocket science.

Anyway, I've decided to leave this forum, on the grounds, that discussion never seems to take place, only pointless wars, and the fact that the moderator themselves are of the same mentality, though pathetically sad, only makes me feel more disgusted. It's like being in the school playground again.

Take care,

See,,,,,, they got you.

Relax man, you are not alone, this is a war, and most aint got a clue. Are you getting the idea yet? *big grins*
Craterchains: Do not worry, there are other forums on the internet. I am also considering starting up a ETI awareness group in my home town. So, I will always continue this war. However, this place, is not appropriate. Simply because, it's a community of idiots, and you can't get through to idiots.
Damn, count me in Norval, I have a kewl flaregun that I would like to see if BET's glow in the dark.......foclmao
WOW,,, there were 27 viewers to this part of the forum, is that a new record? and on a major holiday weekend? hmmmmmm that is interesting.
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