Worship : The creator or the creation?

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Been recently approached by Christian evangilists doing what they believe to be the right thing and a question occurs again as it has many times before and that is:
Should a person who chooses to worship the devine whorship the creator or his creation?

Of course his creation is worthy of appreciation and expressions of gratitude but to pray to his creation and not to him is this not a form of idolatry?

To pray to Jesus and not his father would be such would it not?
Praying to that which God has created and not to God persee.

Do you feel that this is a error in the evangelists approach that Jesus although extremely influential is only a creation and not the creator.

Why not pray to the boss instead of the employee?
Can the Evangilist justify the emphasis on praying to Jesus and not God himself.

Any evangilists out there care to discuss?
Been recently approached by Christian evangilists doing what they believe to be the right thing and a question occurs again as it has many times before and that is:
Should a person who chooses to worship the devine whorship the creator or his creation?

Of course his creation is worthy of appreciation and expressions of gratitude but to pray to his creation and not to him is this not a form of idolatry?

To pray to Jesus and not his father would be such would it not?
Praying to that which God has created and not to God persee.

Do you feel that this is a error in the evangelists approach that Jesus although extremely influential is only a creation and not the creator.

Why not pray to the boss instead of the employee?
Can the Evangilist justify the emphasis on praying to Jesus and not God himself.

Any evangilists out there care to discuss?

HBKL6 The Supreme Lord, who is naturally pure and absolute, has manifested the material world (ie creation) through false ego, through the total material elements, and through His illusory energy. Ornaments like earrings, bangles, and bracelets are made of gold and are therefore nondifferent from gold. A pitcher and a brick, are made of clay and are therefore nondifferent from clay. Similarly the material world is nondifferent from the Supreme Lord. Know this fact for certain. Mäyä (ie illusion) means ignorance of this fact.

in otherwords the material creation has the capacity, particularly when it comes into contact with the conditioned soul, to cause forgetfulness of the creator.

SB 2.3.11 All the different kinds of worshipers of multidemigods can attain the highest perfectional benediction, which is spontaneous attraction unflinchingly fixed upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by the association of the pure devotee of the Lord.

in other words the pure devotee has the capacity, particularly when they come in contact with a conditioned soul who treats such personalities with respectful worship, to cause remembrance of the creator