Worship Death


Daughter Of House Ravenhearte
Registered Senior Member
The final transition between the pain of life and the peace of eternal sleep. What could be more beautiful? Worship death.
Religions tend to comfort dying and aling souls. We can justifiably assume that they were first designed and popularized with this effect in mind. Videlicet, the morbid religion you propose would prove inadequate, leaving no hope for an afterlife, arousing discomfiture and angst in its worshipers, not contentment.
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It arouses contentment in me. Perhaps death worshipping just isn't for you redoubtable, or anyone else with your ideals.
I can see how death could be seen as "not good"(unsubstantiated, but possible) but I certainly can't understand how people can see it as bad, unless they believe in a hell of some sort.
Death just sort of intertwines into what I worship, which is everything, even diseases. I have litterally been teary eyed "oprah style" while thinking about diseases. Sars was a champion in my view, the battling underdog fighting for all that is good.....*sniff* I have something in my eye *runs away*
HIV's my hero, there's a guy who knows how to get what he wants.
certainly you two wierdos have to worship death.:D

Life is an accident, death is natural. hehehee. Long live death.
:rolleyes: Death would conjuct me with god and I denied him wayyyy to often to come crawling to him.
Originally posted by Angelus
HIV's my hero, there's a guy who knows how to get what he wants.
Oh yeah, HIV is like michael jordan. I was just giving SARS some props for putting in the effort.
Malaria doesn't really rank even though it does some sweet culling, because its not really punishing for any real reason. Like aids is like "stop breeding and sleazing around fuckers" and sars was like "stop living so damn close to eachother and eating wierd exotic animals you fuckin freaks" but malaria's just like "buy some mosquito nets please" where's the poetic justice in that? :rolleyes: Get a life malaria, or should I say take one, haha *high fives malaria*
Fortunately there are few people with a death wish like Lou since not surprisingly they tend not to survive very long, and hence nicely remove themselves from the gene pool.

Of greater concern of course are the large numbers of lemming-like religionists who think death is a doorway and very happily try to walk through it. Again not surprisingly they are never seen or heard from again. What is most astonishing is that they see their parents disappear, are unable to do the math, and then deliberately teach their children the same fairy tale. Very clearly these people definitely need to be removed from the gene pool.

Perhaps a sterilization drug in the communion wine might assist somewhat, but other ideas for such mass sterilization would be most welcome.


PS. A note on lemmings: these creatures migrate periodically when their food runs out and often attempt to swim large bodies of water that are too large and they drown in vast numbers.