Wormholes and UFO's.


Registered Member
I read about wormholes the other day, and how they are " short cuts". I then realized that some people doubt the existence of UFO's/Aliens because they would have to travel for a very long time to arrive. It makes sense that if there are wormholes, they could be used to arrive here faster. I know that there is not solid proof of either wormholes or UFO's, but it seems like if they were both real, they might be connected to one another.
What do you all think?
The problem I see is that with most theories of worm holes, one has to travel using conventional methods (ie under the speed of light) to the destination of the worm hole at least once. Either to care one of the wormhole entrances, or to establish the wormhole entrance. Either way, at least once, you need to make that HUGE journey. Some other method would also be needed. UNLESS things are as they are in the show Stargate (yes, i realize its scifi...but ideas are ideas no matter where they come from) in which some race of people long ago build the wormholes for traveling and the current "alien" just use them.

I think a black hole may create a gravity-well type phenomena, which may be the same as a wormhole.

The object may open a dimensional rift into something else, subspace, hyperspace, ....eternity maybe. The burnt out sun itself is made of solid mater, and may only have enough gravity to keep light from excaping. In this case there would be no opening or wormhole. If the sun were large enough or dense enough, whichever is the most important here, a dimensional hole may open in which the mater of the sun would be behind the opening and anything being "sucked" in would pass to another dimension before reaching the actual mater of the star, or the star itself may be in the other dimension and only the "opening" exists in this one.

Once you left this physical dimension, radiation which is also in this plane of existance would not exist there. And you may accelerate to the same speed it is traveling as you approach, so the partices would not permiate you. The gravity would be crushing , but this too affects time and space and it may or may not reach lethal amounts before you reach the "event horizon", and transend, or "slip" past it's effects.. Then again, the effects of both may be lethal, and it would be the last mistake you ever make.

The laws of physics may be be set in our dimension, at a certain speed - say the speed of light.
Space, time and the speed of light are all interelated according to Einstein's theory.
The fabric of this "world" is woven together at this set speed, frequency, or vibration.
Our senses may be set to receive this like a radio or television signal., therefore we can't see other frequencies at different speeds. This is speculation on my part.

What I do know is there is another dimension faster than this one that exists, and it is a realm called heaven. There are others also, maybe seven total, maybe five. Some are above, some are below.
Heaven exists in eternity, and may therefore be outside of "normal" physical space-time to us. It is right here in you, through you, all around you, and if God wanted he could open your eyes to see it as he did Gehazi the servant of Elisha.

There is a scripture that states - a day to God is a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day. This may be the exact ratio, or may not be. That would be a ratio of 1 to 365,250, and/or 365,250 to 1. This is only speculation, on my part.
God is the light. In this physical dimension light travels at 186,000 miles per second.186,000 X 2 =372,000. This other dimension may be traveling, or vibrating at a frequency at/or just under two times the speed of light. This would make it out of "phase" with us and probably invisible, existing in the same space as us but in/on another plane or dimension. This part too is only speculation.

A sun giving off light in this dimension, may be the physical, body or type representing a living celestial being such as an angel. A black hole is a dark star, or burnt out sun....and may represent the physical celestial body or type of a fallen angel or demon. They were "cast out" of heaven. Heaven is a dimension, as this world is. When a star is burning or lit, puting off life giving heat and light, the process may somehow counteract the gravity of the core. There is supposedly a "levitating effect" caused by fusion in nuclear physics. The black holes may be these dark stars in another dimension, when they were put out or extinguished, the gravity alone may pull them into another dimension. Then again, they may only be the physical type or shadow of the real.
Angels are spiritual beings.....so are demons or fallen angels.

God formed the "Heavens and the Earth. He also "placed " the worlds. This refers not only to the stars and the planets , but also dimensions. "There is a great void fixed, we cannot go there, they cannot come here".
"The story of the rich man in hell" states this as the reason Lazarus, being comforted in the "bossom of Abraham" could not bring the rich man in hell a drop of water.
Space is a "great void" between planets in the material world.
That may be a type set to also be a "great void" between the dimensional worlds.
Think of the root of the word "planet"...a set "plane" of existance.
One paralells the other. The seperating factor may be a mater of speed or frequency, (time) for one, and distance (space) for the other.

Just some thoughts....
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about the gravity of a black hole earlier, well you see, due to recent equations a black hole has been found to hold light around it instead of suck it in bending it, but rather to just never let it move again. that is unless einstein is wrong
the jolly-old space twister rides again
to expect mear humans to control and then weild the power of space tornadoes :)

and in doing so create some form of order from chaos :confused:
hang on is our maths bound to chaos theory

point of note about einstien he can never be wrong because he always accepted that he might not always be rite
its just that once he had borrowed tesla tooth brush he couldn't get his hair to sit strait and so never went out much

some life forms can create what some people call worm holes.
its just that most people are not interested in worms~!

groove on all :)