world wide "lines"


many leagues under the sea.
Valued Senior Member
As described here:

“Dragon Lines are the pathways of electromagnetism and life-force that spread like a web across the surface of the planet. Where the dragon’s breath is sweet and gentle, great health and prosperity will arise. Where the dragons breath is sour or foul, health and fortune are likely to suffer…“

:confused: the Chinese called them dragon lines there are other names. Where the hell are these things? I want health an fortune not to suffer. How are these proven? Anyone experience one of these lines for real? Anyone know of any benefits or how to harness this energy? How could these truly affect us? Has anyone heard of this before?
:confused: the Chinese called them dragon lines there are other names. Where the hell are these things? I want health an fortune not to suffer. How are these proven? Anyone experience one of these lines for real? Anyone know of any benefits or how to harness this energy? How could these truly affect us? Has anyone heard of this before?

No where. Imaginary crap can't be proven. No. None and no energy to harness. Don't exist so they can affect us. Sure - well this type of tripe anyway.

Hope that helped.;)
It's true that the Earth has a magnetic field, and that the strength varies depending on where you are. But I doubt that they are strong enough to affect people.
I agree that the amount of flux that can turn a hair sized compass needle would be inconsequential to some (relatively) huge force, like gravity, or even changes in temperature and barometric pressure. Besides, the body is largely transparent to static magnetic force.

And then there's all that radiation to worry about. I mean solar and cosmic sources. That would be a nightmare to worry about for someone really phobic.

And then, every time you take a step or move, you're accelerating all the particles in your body. It would be a huge consequence to exist at all if there was some hidden danger due to spurious fields and forces.
I agree that the amount of flux that can turn a hair sized compass needle would be inconsequential to some (relatively) huge force, like gravity, or even changes in temperature and barometric pressure. Besides, the body is largely transparent to static magnetic force.

You mentioned a compass. Hmmm that could be bad to planes an hikers. An hunters. If it affects the plane it could crash an no one may know where that planes at. Or that person on foot could get lost an disoriented. An eventually die. Maybe these "dragon lines" have something to do with the Alaska triangle an the Bermuda triangle...
Then again this magnetic line areas could create a "vortex". Or nothing at all.
You mentioned a compass. Hmmm that could be bad to planes an hikers. An hunters. If it affects the plane it could crash an no one may know where that planes at. Or that person on foot could get lost an disoriented. An eventually die. Maybe these "dragon lines" have something to do with the Alaska triangle an the Bermuda triangle...
Then again this magnetic line areas could create a "vortex". Or nothing at all.

Or then again the pilot might need a magnetic field to FUCKING NAVIGATE.
There's quite a bit of research on the history of this topic as it crosses several cultures.

Ley-lines: ('Ley','lea' - 'A clearing')

('Heilige Linien' to the Germans 'Fairy paths' to the Irish, 'Dragon Lines' to the Chinese, 'Spirit Lines' to Peruvians and 'Dream paths' (Turingas) to the Australian Aborigines - and so on around the world).

Most cultures have traditions and words to describe the straight, often geometric alignments that ran across ancient landscapes, connecting both natural and sacred prehistoric structures together. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. However, apart from the physical presence of the sites themselves, proving the presence of a 'connection' between them is something that researchers have found notoriously elusive.

If you enjoy reading, more at this link:

:D Disclaimer: Before dismissing me as a 'fruit bat', I was taught that it is scientific to at least investigate all things. There is usually something of interest to be found, even though it may not be the matter which is being put forward at the time.
Hahaha you got me laughing...
Or then again the pilot might need a magnetic field to FUCKING NAVIGATE.
Like he needs navigating while fucking.

Any magnetic field stronger than normal will MESS with Your COMPAS..
Maybe it would throw IT off.. Maybe that's where I was going with that. Because I know the basics of how a compass works. I have even used one. Hmm have you?
If you have get close to a couple strong magnets...:)
Because I know the basics of how a compass works. I have even used one. Hmm have you?

A compass is an extremely simple device. A magnetic compass (as opposed to a gyroscopic compass) consists of a small, lightweight magnet balanced on a nearly frictionless pivot point. The magnet is generally called a needle. One end of the needle is often marked "N," for north, or colored in some way to indicate that it points toward north. On the surface, that's all there is to a compass

“Dragon Lines are the pathways of electromagnetism and life-force that spread like a web across the surface of the planet. Where the dragon’s breath is sweet and gentle, great health and prosperity will arise. Where the dragons breath is sour or foul, health and fortune are likely to suffer…“

Electromagnetism is detectable, but no scientist has ever detected these Dragon Lines as far as I am aware. I wonder why not?

What is a pathway of life-force, by the way? How can I detect life-force? What instruments do I need to follow these lines of life-force?

What feature of the lines tells me whether the dragon's breath is sweet or sour, etc? How can I tell the difference? What equipment would I need to measure it?

:confused: the Chinese called them dragon lines there are other names. Where the hell are these things?

Apparently, they are things that are there only if you believe in them. What does that suggest to you?

I want health an fortune not to suffer. How are these proven?

They aren't proven. If they were, we'd have university departments of Dragon Line scientists, or something.

Anyone experience one of these lines for real?

In the same way you experience dreams, perhaps.

Anyone know of any benefits or how to harness this energy?

Nobody has even said what this "life-force energy" is yet, so how could we possibly begin to ask how to harness it?

How could these truly affect us?

They don't seem to have any effects on me, as far as I can tell. How would I test for effects? What equipment would I use?

Maybe these "dragon lines" have something to do with the Alaska triangle an the Bermuda triangle...

Maybe they have something to do with the pixies that live in my toaster. Do you think?
:D I don't think this has anything to do with your "pixies". Maybe we need a little more information on them. And are they like tinkerbell?
I use a phone to post. ( Not complaining) but its hard to post like you have James. So forgive me if I don't get all of your questions answered. I don't know how you detect them. Ancient people had to have known how there are names for these "lines" in different cultures all over I kinda hoped some would be serious about this an help me understand more about them. An if those ancient people knew I also wondered if there was a way for us to know now. An how to find them.

I think you missed the point of my post.

There is no mysterious effect from the Bermuda triangle. No more planes or ships disappear there than we would expect, given the amount of air and sea traffic in the area. Similarly, there are no scientifically detectable effects of your Dragon Lines. They appear to be imaginary. There is as much scientific evidence for the existence of Dragon Lines as there is for pixies living in my toaster - i.e. none.

Also, you're making the mistake of assuming that if "ancient" people believed in something then it must be real. Call this the "wisdom of the ancients" fallacy, if you like. The fact is, the "ancients" didn't have any greater access to knowledge than we "modern" people do. In fact they had less. They knew far less than we do about how the world works. To fill in the gaps in their knowledge, they invented stories about things like "Dragon lines".
I guess I might have' missed your point the first time. Thanks for clarifying think I got your point this time.
Two years ago, I had a vivid dream about lines that are circling Earth and moving in space. The computer projected them as Green lines that in the dream called the dark energy for us. That is the path the ships use to travel to where ever....that was funny ...