World Religions...differen't teachers, same lessons?

Do u agree?....above

  • Yes, peace and love

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • No, Religion is the way

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
I have came to notice that religion has became a wall between people of differen't belief systems. Why are we so sperated by religion, by people's differen't belief systems? Why are there Christain schools? Why are there Muslims bombing Jews in the third world, and Visa Versa? Are we so devolved as a civilisation that we can not respect other peoples belief's, and break a barrier of misunderstanding? Is there a blanket covering the fact that behind every religion, every aspect of it, there is a message that we should do what we can on this earth to promote peace and love? Cant anyone see that there are alot of teachers of the ways of life but all the lessons that count are the same: love thy neighbour, be a good person...etc keep the peace and love and forget religion....what do u think? :)
Wait a second here, your poll, it says "Yes, Peace and Love" then "No, Religion is the way" which says to me that religion opposes peace and love, is that your point?

Furthermore, about religious views separating people well this is so because most religions declares themsevles the one true light, the only way towards salvation. With such a viewpoint on the world it would be quite a stretch to change their own views of supremecy. Thus, with such a superiority symdrome happening others are looked down upon, hence the only Catholic schools. In the end, arguing with religious persons about their faith is pointless for they shall always consider themselves correct, hey I know Christianity is the right path and no one is going to tell me otherwise.
Thats bull shit mate, there's onli one religion in the world.....Thats $$$MONEY$$$....Y do u think so many ppl are sad and fuked up ?
Abdiel, i think you make a strong point, but can you tell me what christianity is about? peace and love, or your own salvation? :/
Your own salvation doenst come at the cost thru other people. God gladly gives it to you if you want it. Chrsitianity is also about peace and love though too. Jesus spead the message of peace and love, practically saying that "if some one hits you dont hit them back". The chrsitian message is even to "love your enemies." Unfortunatley, we are inperfect. Everyone is a sinner so we forget sometimes and trash these wonderful teachings. We do sin. But the message of christianity is of peace, love, AND salvation.
I'll say that Christianity is about my own salvation. I say this for the reason that to gain salvation one must be granted it by doing acts which contribute to the Christian ideal, that is love and peace. So perhaps it is a selfish ideal that we go around expecting to be saved, yet to truley become save we must do acts that are unselfish...