Working Idea, Lets work


Registered Senior Member
As such, an ion device would not work. You must suspend a mass in a free floating vacuum using a energy multiplex that crosses the frequencies of gamma radiation, microwave radiation and X-ray radiation. In this process as waves cross they amplify, as such an electron is created. This is the transfer from energy to matter. There is something called carbon wire, it is 100% effecent and loses no energy to heat loss. It suspends an electron or electrons in the center of a carbon polymer. Continuing on. You must use 6 to 8 gauss rings made of the carbon polymer material to go around the vacuum rings and set the timing on it. The core would be of plutonium or uranium charged with over 240,000 kV of electricity. This would turn plutonium into a super magnet. As such the acceleration of the archaic generatiors would revolve around the plutonium rotating inward to create the multiplexed frequencies. As such it would be 100% effiecent, lose no energy to heat or friction, absorb all adjecent photons. In fact such a device is more than 100% effiecent. The only problem is the math with charging the super magnet core to precisely keep the archaic generator in a sustained orbit, aka semi-constant, because its speed would be increasing at the rate of 1 g. May I remind you that after 4 seconds the archaic generator would be moving at a rate of 85,539,228meters ps. As such this device would produce electrons to continue the acceleration. I would have to estimate around 140% or greater effiency do to the energy gained from photons and the energy gained from the conversion of energy to matter.

Now, lets start in with the hard math parts.

What would the deflections of the trisphere arrangement be?
It is the same as the emissions of an atomic bomb going off. As they go off they make a trisphereical arrangement. This is that the inner most area is a mass of microwaves that makes a perfect half-sphere, as such that will be considered the core. If the Structure was 6 segments tall than it would be 6 segments wide, this is the core. The second shell, also known as the deflector, this deflects the relative photons to the core, would be a 4 segment tall by 12 segments wide. Lastly you have the outer shell. This would cut through water or space with near no impedence being the most aerodynamic shape you could possibly imagine. Measurements of its realitve size would be a 2 segments tall by 18 segments wide.

I will post a link to with the picture of said measurements.

Any comments so far? This idea uses chromium 239, it has a 249,000 year half-life but under intense radiation I believe it may not last near that long. The microwave emissions from the plutomium core would than be turned to elecrons, such as aluminum foil in a microwave, same concept, alot bigger. No worries, plutonium takes a proton or neutron to make it blow-up and create a big bomb, plus it is free floating in an electromagnetic field rotating and is only being struck by electrons charging futher until it reaches critical mass. This is the point where it can take on no more electrons.

Now we go into the plasma production. How do you make big fields of plasma controlable? With big magnets right? Exactly. Now that this idea solves the massive energy crisis that we are facing we can warp the space around it with highly charged matter, aka plasma. Plasma has the same effects as gravity in that it may change gravity though magnetic means. It mass is nearing 0 but its energy is i, as long as nothing consumes as much as i+1 than it will not fail, otherwise it will short out.

Any further ideas to add onto this. If you submit anything useful your name will be taken and added to the writing if you so choose cause this is the basis of gravity wells and hyperspace travel.

Anything from here on is Copy written by law in the fact that this is a scientific forum that posts both date and time written, as such my proof to this knowledge is written.
this looks incredibly interesting... don't start till i get back from my lunch!
Calling Ben the Man! Calling Ben the Man! I need your help Ben. Seriously, this idea works and is not crazy like all the rest because IT FOLLOWS ALL LAWS OF PHYSICS