Workin With "Special People"


Registered Senior Member
For those of you who do not know, I now work at United Parcial Service, not walmart. My job is that of a package handler, I load feeders (Feeders are half semi-trucks). Anywho, last night I we were getting slamed (Meaning that a large amount of packages were being sent to our belt, UPS has several accounts, one is that we ship Anne Taylor). We had three people call in, that means that there were seven, that includes me. We normally have ten and can handle the work load, but not last night because it was so heavy.

Im getting to my point, give me a second...

So, they send people from other belts (I work on the gold blue belt). We get three people, a pretty girl, a nice black guy (Who was funny as hell, btw) and this guy named Rob. Now, I have been warned about Rob before. He's not quite right in the head. I figure that since I don't have trouble getting along with anyone, that I would be okay.

So there we are. Me and Rob are in the back of the feeder, he's suppose to be helping me. Now, this guy can lift packages... But that ain't the point. He cussed, a lot. He said the three words that I would never say, the C word, the P word, and the unspeakable T word... I don't know why I don't like these words, I just dont.

Not only that but he spent the entire time cussing, and throwing the boxes, one almost hit me.

After five minutes with this guy (yes, only five minutes) I got out of the feeder, and told my Supervisor that I would not work with him. So they sent Rob somewhere else.

After work I talked to this girl that I know, she said the reason why Rob hasn't been fired is because he's unioun, and "A big smelly, mean ass retard." in her words.

I don't think that all "Special people" are like this. Just this one guy, he offends everyone, he cusses and is disrespectful, and throws the boxes (Which you can get fired for). He has not been fired. Why? Because he's special.

Why should I be forced to work with someone like this? Why ain't he been fired yet? Should 'Speical" people be fired, or do they have an excuse? What's your position on this as well?

Should violent "special people" be allowed to work?
one question for you

would you like to pay for him through your taxes?

i mean everything he would get now you pay for

would you accept that?
Yes. Asguard I would support him inderectly with my taxes. But to force someone to work with him? I mean, I wasn't forced, but the people who work with him every day are. Is it a right to let him earn a living even though he's really screwed in the head? Yes it is. Im not debating that. But he is highly unstable and dangerous, should he be allowed to work then? He almost hit me with a box for christ sakes!
The question, Counselor, I believe is whether or not company's should be allowed to fire him. A slight rephrasing of your comment.
seems to me the problem lies with the people who want to decrease goverment spending

in ALL countrys

i mean how many times do people say that they should cut the money spent in the disability pentions


i dont get how we can do this

hell the ELDERLY would have a better time in work than the people on disability pentions
That's what I was getting at, Tyler. I just need to get straight to the point sometimes. :)

I believe that he should not be allowed to work there if he is a danger, and offensive. But his disability is what stops people form firing him, it's his excuse. I don't want him working with me, he's offensive and mean.
the C word, the P word, and the unspeakable T word

Alright, I know that by metioning the "C" and the "P" words you could be alluding to..umm female genetalia. But I've never heard the "T" word. For the sake of clarity, could you please tell me what the "T" word is? -Thanks.

Now, onto my point.
Should the company be allowed to fire him? Depends. What kind of a "gift" does this guy have? Is his behaviour just spouting off anger from his personal life? Or is it a medical condition?

If it's a medical thing, then I don't think the company should be allowed to fire him given that he undergoes treatment, and makes an effort to change. If he doesn't do either, then you should be allowed to fire the guy because he's using his problem as an excuse to be an asshole. Like the guys who aren't really handicapped, but get the permits because their legs "don't work".

The world owes him nothing. Neither does the company. He owes it to himself to make an effort, and as a believer in social welfare I think the company should be willing to tolerate his behaviour so long as he tries to change.

We all take the short bus to school

Common now... you have 2050 posts on this forum.. you should be used to the 'special people'

::persol whispers "Hell, ya might be one... did you read you're moon thread?"::
You dont understand how mentally disabled people fuction. If you have ever been discriminated against because of an innate trait, this is the same.

I also think that you need to say how this guy is disabled begore I can further post.
I used to do community service by helping kids who were disabled do arts and crafts. Some of them were just downright evil and there parents used the excuse "They can't help it". They would steal the fun the other kids were having so we had to ask one boy not to attend. When he realized that he wouldn't be comming back he was suddenly very plesant, and stayed that way when we let him back.
Now the cussing is one thing because it is ignorable to a certain extent... but when they start damaging property and PEOPLE they need to be warned and then let go.
Slacker, I said that he was special about five times, also it's included in the thread title!

Thats too vague. Is he mentally retarded or does he just have a social disorder. Special can mean alot of things. I just need some clarity.