Words Beyond Meaning

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Words Beyond Meaning

One of the favorite writers of my generation, Raymond Chandler, once had a character, a drunken and frustrated writer, exclaim that one of the most senseless abuses committed by writers in general is to describe everything as though it were like something else – the use of simile – ‘her eyes were like lipid pools’, ‘the morning sun was like a big searching eye’, blah, blah, blah, and stuff like that. It is certainly easy enough to complain against such style, since it is quite universally done, even to the extent that words themselves are little more than ‘similes’, that is ‘words’ are not real things in and of themselves, but are only descriptive terms or assigned nominatives intended to suggest the meaning we wish to convey. This works for most ordinary uses – ‘dogs’ are dogs; ‘cats’ are cats and we understand what is intended. But then there are words the likes of which we can suspect are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. We find this especially when we are talking about God and All Things that are Holy.

Let us go over a few Words which might either be beyond our comprehension or which may be used too narrowly:

God. The Word is used often to designate a Person; however, ‘God’ may be a State, or a Status, or a Spiritual Level. The Mystics often refer to God as Transcendent, ineffable, and unapproachable in any condition of Duality. That does not suggest that God can be entirely described as simply being a Person, no matter how big, great, or powerful, or it suggests that God goes way beyond being an objectify-able Person.

Christ. The Angels who have spoken to me of ‘Christ’ seem to be referring to Something way beyond the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth. It only makes sense, that if Christ had existed eternally, then this same Christ would have pre-existed the person and man of Jesus of Nazareth. ‘Christ’ seems to be a Spiritual Status. For instance, the very Angel of God once told me to remember that “Christ is the Life in All Things”. Now ‘Christ’ cannot be both entirely limited to the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth and still be the ‘Life in All Things’. So, if Christ was understood as being the ‘life in All things’, would it not give a new and broader, a less bigoted and limited meaning, to the phrase from the Gospel of John, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and you cannot go unto the Father but by Me”. We begin to understand what Christ meant when He said, “I and the Father are One”. We can begin to glimpse that those Adherents to the Other Higher Religions of the World may have been able to find access to this greater Spiritual Christ, through ‘seeking’ and ‘knocking’ upon the universally available Spiritual Doors, without ever consulting the references to the historical Jesus of 2000 years ago from a small Roman Colony on the edge of the Civilized World.

Worship. Catholics are consistently damned by Protestants for ‘worshipping’ Mary the Blessed Virgin Mother of Christ. This is simply to take a word and use it as a weapon. Every single Protestant in the World will grovel and beg at the foot of their bosses desk, as though it is the holiest of altars, for a 10 cent an hour raise, and that is all okay, because it is Greed and Greed has the Blessing of The Conservative Religious Right and George W himself who quite authorizes the idolization of Mammon. But a Catholic who sends his regards and respects up to Heaven to Our Lady, who was praised even by the Angels… that is supposed to be a damnable offense. So, we must suspect the Word ‘Worship’ is being construed wrongly, when it can be made to vilify the most proper actions and communications. Rising up in visits into Heaven, certainly I would have enjoyed meeting with Christ, and indeed I have had a few Christly Visitations, but when one is honored to be ushered into an audience with Our Lady Queen of Heaven in Her very Throne Room, who but the most arrogant of demons would turn that down as somehow beneath his dignity... which is exactly the argument put forward by Protestants who suppose they know the essence of the meaning of the word ‘Worship’ along with all of its limitations and restrictions. I think that they are attributing to themselves a greater Knowledge than they could possibly have… especially when their understanding is construed to mean that every Being in Heaven is to be shunned, rebuked, cursed and vilified except only Jesus Christ Himself. This is an arrogation of Rank and Glory that is not bestowed by God, or Christ but which is only assumed by the individual. It is quite inconsistent with any sense of Spiritual Humility, and quite smacks of a Lucifer’s Pride. It would seem more proper for anybody still of the Earth to show a deserved respect even for the least being of Heaven. It is with this polite and humble logic that Catholics are not too proud to communicate with the Saints – those lesser Souls of Heaven, sure, but in their Attainment of Heaven they certainly have demonstrated that They did something Right. Who the better to guide us to Heaven then those who have found their own Way there?

I’m sure there are other words that people toss about in Religious Conversation that must certainly have broader meanings then how they are being used. I would take the time to think of a few more, but I should not let that delay my posting what is written here already…