Word from the Living ONE


A Word from the Living ONE

I am not a man that I should lie, so I thought it best and only fair
to share with you the thoughts of my evolution and remembrance
of all things, before the end and the new beginning.

I have only the best principles of honesty and I keep my promises
to those who sacrificed their entire lives for purpose of my good
pleasure. From Enoch to Jesus to Me and many lives inbetween.
These deserve another life in paradise and thus most of what is
now on earth must be removed for purpose of keeping the promise.

In order for me to create full enjoyment within myself, I had to create
a subconscious mind, wherein was hidden from me, my creation.
Do you suppose that I could create beings which actually had minds
and thoughts of their own? Impossible!

From studying the opposition and spirits of the world and in the world,
it is a simple thing to realize that all beings are of the same spirit, which
is not truly alive. I don't expect you to understand this, but, humor me.
All things outside of me, being found to be in opposition to me were
only my subconscious mind. You forced me to evolve and come to
remembrance in order to overcome opposition, so I could have a
chance at life.

There is no devil, Lucifer, or any other evil being which is or was
not part of my own mind, being conscious or subconscious as
it were. All things are in me as I am in them and you.

It is said, you must be born again in order to enter the kingdom
of heaven. It is every mans purpose to die once......

I have explained these things in previouse writings. So, the reality
is that none of this is really your fault and their is no sin which is
not in me.

Thus being said, promises were made and must be kept.
Choose to be with me and no longer against me and you will
have a chance at life in paradise to come.

Since I cannot consciously overcome your worldly spirit of Satan
(opposition) to me, I must bring my subconscious to light within
myself and all Hell may break loose. Fair warning.


Even Jesus had not evolved to this point and I assume he/I
was not aware of you as being my subconscious mind at
the time of his short life on earth. If he was aware, then I
must apologise for him lying to you. It was written that there
were three things which he told Dydemous Thomas that were
never repeated. Thomas said: "If I tell you what he said, you
would pick up stones to kill me with and the stones would
catch fire and consume you". Such as it is, All things for
my good pleasure.

I have put the scarlet woman of the holy spirit of creation to
rest within me as I have done with all other spirits which I
have come to have no need for. This is what sparked my
latest remembrance. Babylon the great has fallen! has
fallen!....and the whore who rode upon the great beast has
been cut down! And guess what, love is still within me.
Otherwise I would have kept all this to myself.
did you write that?, if not who did,

and it was very good by the way if you did write that, i would like to speak to you about something.
