Women's rights under Islam


Valued Senior Member
An Afghan appeals court overturned a death sentence Tuesday for a journalism student accused of blasphemy for asking questions in class about women's rights under Islam. But the judges still sentenced him to 20 years in prison.

Now you know why I asked about the singing slave girl and about Mohammad ordering someone to chop her head off her shoulders. A sad sad tale, yet, accepted as traditional cannon by most Muslims.

So, we need to continue to support people like Parwez Kambakhsh - people who are brave enough to question Islamic dogma. Unlike many people here.

That's what a theocracy entails. I'm sure SAM will have some quip about how theocracies are better, but that's because she's living in the United States.
Strange the Ottomans had no such ruling and the Hadiths are full of discussions on religion from those who questioned the dogma of other scholars. Of course having a puppet US government has been seen to steeply reduce human rights in many societies. e.g Before the mujahideen, Kabul was a hippy stopover.

Clearly this is a reflection of Islam. Like the gulag where priests and nuns were murdered is a reflection of atheism.
Strange the Ottomans had no such ruling and the Hadiths are full of discussions on religion from those who questioned the dogma of other scholars. Of course having a puppet US government has been seen to steeply reduce human rights in many societies. e.g Before the mujahideen, Kabul was a hippy stopover.

Clearly this is a reflection of Islam. Like the gulag where priests and nuns were murdered is a reflection of atheism.

See? Told ya so.
A 1000 years ago people were polygamists.
A 1000 years ago men had legal authority over women.
A 1000 years ago The qur'an and hadith were written by polygamist men who had legal authority over their multiple women.

Due to religous superstition it was taboo to question religous dogma.
Due to theocratic government it is illegal to question religous dogma.

This man broke the religous law by questioning the religous dogma - which in this case was the qur'an and hadith teaching about polygamist men who had legal authority over their multiple women.

This has more to do with change than anything else. This man is the thin edge of a long wedge and the religion establishment don't like the implications in regards to the theocratic government there - it's another great example of why theocracy retards social progress. (that is if you consider female equality social progress)
From the link:

In January, a lower court sentenced him to death in a trial critics have called flawed in part because Kambakhsh had no lawyer representing him. Muslim clerics welcomed that court's decision and public demonstrations were held against the journalism student because of perceptions he had violated the tenets of Islam

Other witnesses, however, testified that Kambakhsh had violated tenets of Islam.

The head of Tuesday's panel, Abdul Salaam Qazizada, struck down the lower court's death penalty and sentenced Kambakhsh to 20 years behind bars.

From another article:

Religious conservatives had welcomed the earlier sentence against Kambakhsh. After the death penalty was handed down at his January trial, public demonstrations were held in support of the decision, and some prominent clerics declared he deserved to be executed for violating the teachings of Islam.

Family members have said Kambakhsh was beaten and threatened with death until he signed a confession and that local journalists who expressed support for him were warned they would be arrested if they persisted.


Sign a petition to free Kambahkhs:

To: The Government of Afghanistan

Perwez Kambakhsh, a 23 year old student of Balkh University’s journalism faculty was sentenced to death by a court because ‘he had copied an article from a website containing un-Islamic material’.

It is clearly inhumane and unjust to kill someone for copying an article, read and distribute it because the constitution of Afghanistan has given the right of freedom of expression to every one.

This Taliban-style sentence is not acceptable to anyone and this decision is condemned by all human rights organizations, civil societies, journalists’ unions and individuals in Afghanistan and the entire world.

This sentence will only strengthen the war-lords, the terrorists and the narrow-minded mullahs who want their own dominance by imposing their self-made brutal laws and by keeping the society in ignorance.

We demand the government of Afghanistan to release Syed Perwez Kambakhsh and prove that the government respects human rights and freedom of expression.


The Undersigned

Why do you suppose Afghanis had a different legal system in the 1980s?