Women's Liberation Through Islam.

Hoping for a green world

Biography-Proud Muslim and strong believer in ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

Occupation-Converting mislead christians to the true faith of God: ISLAM.

, Why any good christian knows he is a ‘muslim’ & follows 'islam', submitting to Jesus. I must change occupations to, to convert all the misled to TRUE ISLAM, the Hadith of Jesus, 'yes' that is my job!.
Hey, Green, when are you going to liberate your own head and come up with some original though instead of just copying and pasting what others have said? Even we infidels can do that. And quit avoiding my thread "Problems I have with Islam." Give some original thought to it or keep your religion to yourself.
Originally posted by Green_World

By Mary Ali.

Islam is a complete way of life.

Must mean totally 'brainwashed' way of life?

There is no justice, if those in power can get away with anything:
Saudi, Malaysia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Algeria.

You only have the right to speak, as long as you don't say anything that will get you killed; by the gov, religious fanatics, rivals, etc.
Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
Hey, Green, when are you going to liberate your own head and come up with some original though instead of just copying and pasting what others have said? Even we infidels can do that. And quit avoiding my thread "Problems I have with Islam." Give some original thought to it or keep your religion to yourself.

MR. HYPOCRITE: you yourself are copying and pasting from anti-muslim sites.

I have GREAT time laughing at all of you seeing your ignorance and realizing how empty headed you are.

Death will come upon you and harvest your souls, you will be displayed in front of the all mighty where you will wish to be dust.

Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
Hey, Green, when are you going to liberate your own head and come up with some original though instead of just copying and pasting what others have said? Even we infidels can do that. And quit avoiding my thread "Problems I have with Islam." Give some original thought to it or keep your religion to yourself.

MR. HYPOCRITE: you yourself are copying and pasting from anti-muslim sites.

Why on earth you are replying to my threads, if you are not interested in islam, then BUG OFF and stay away from my threads.

I have GREAT time laughing at all of you seeing your ignorance and realizing how empty headed you are.

Death will come upon you and harvest your souls, you will be displayed in front of the all mighty where you will wish to be dust.

Re: Re: Women's Liberation Through Islam.

Originally posted by Randolfo
Must mean totally 'brainwashed' way of life?

There is no justice, if those in power can get away with anything:
Saudi, Malaysia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Algeria.

You only have the right to speak, as long as you don't say anything that will get you killed; by the gov, religious fanatics, rivals, etc.

Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
I'm copy and pasting from ATHEISTIC websites to give you a taste of your own medicine. Quit avoiding the issue.

So, you are admiting you are copying and PASTING ???

AUTHEISTS are just people who are living on borrowed time.

Have you ever thought about death ?? have you ever thought about what will happen to you when you die ??
Yes. Either I will see Jesus or I will just be eaten by worms. But I doubt I will see Allah, especially since Mohammad just copyed and pasted him from the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
Wow, if a religion claims that it must be true. :rolleyes:

It is TRUE, you will see, how long you will live ?? 60-70-80 years !! and then ???????

You will die and you will be displayed in front of the almighty, he will tell you about the dark life you lived in this earth and he will tell you, you had the chance to believe, but you stubbornly refused, he will ask his angels to put you in the hell fire where you will live eternal life in this quite hot place and the blood will boil in your head, and when nothing remain from your body, Allah will bring you back to life and burn you again and again and again.

just wait and you will see.
Originally posted by Blackstone
oook..lets see what we have here...

Oooh... thats quite a generouse gift from allah to women, he stated that men and women are both human :rolleyes:

WELL, comparing to how christians and jews were treating women before Islam, it sounds very generous.

the only recorded event where a muslim woman pose questions to muhammad (oh the honour :rolleyes: ) was that woman who came arguing with him about problems with her husband, in (Surat Al-mujadala 58-1)...it was just about a personal matter, and i cant see whats so great in this.
WRONG, there is other case where a woman stopped OMAR BIN ALKHATAB and told him in front of every one you are wrong, after some debate, OMAR admited he is worng and the woman was rght. AKTA' OMAR WA ASABT AL-MAR'A.
wow, you have the NERVE to talk about the muslim woman's testimony???

why does a female testimony = half a male testimony in islam?
Because the emotional side of the woman is far more dominant in woman than men.

bullshit, and have no backup proof.

MUSLIM women voted for the prophet in BAIAT ALAKABA.


lol, that "Oath" was about admitting muhammad as a prophet and stating their submittion to islamic laws, lets look at the verse:

"O prophet!when believing women come to thee to take the oath of fealty to thee, that they will not associate in worship any other thing with allah, that they will not steal, that they will not commit adultry, that they will not kill their children, that they will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood, and that they will not disobey thee in any just matter, then do thou recieve thier fealty, and pray to allah for the forgivness of thier sins, for allah is oft forgiving, most merciful"

as we see above, the situation was not stating any kind of honourship given to women because that "oath" was all about women stating thier submission to muhammad and his orders.

BULLSHITE, you know very well that this NOBLE verse cant be refuted, LOSER.


still bullshit with no historical proof, During all the history of the arab-islamic Impirialism, the 4 khalifas, the Umayya state, the abbasi state, the moorish state, the osmani state there was never a woman that held an important position like the khalif, a minister or main Judge...only in modern islamic ages did women gain some positions but because of the secular[/b] laws on these countries.

LOSER !! WHAT ABOUT SAGARAT ALDOUR ????????????????????

what about those MUSLIM WOMEN:

Khadija bint Khuwaylid
Aishah bint Abu Bakr
Fatimah bint Muhammad
Ramlah bint Abu Sufyan
Rumaysa bint Milhan
Umm Salamah
Asma bint Abu Bakr
Zaynab al-Ghazali
Maryum Jameelah


this no tjust "greater financial responibilty" but clearly states that men are a higher rank than women.


Women in Islam have the right to own and trade without permission from their husbands....where do you find this right ?


yeah, but why didnt you state what is the share Quran say about the female's partition when she inherit from her relatives? a female's partition = half the male's partition:

"Allah directs you as regards your children's (inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females"
(in 4:11)

GREAT POINT, because in Islam the MALE is the one who supposed to take responsiblity for his wife, so if the male will get half and spend it on his female and the femal will get half and NOT spend it(because her male is financially responsible for providing to her), we will not get FAIR deal.....will we ?
yeah, wive's rights :rolleyes:
The Quran allowes men to beat thier wives when they did not obey them:

"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, with what Allah has made one better than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them , refuse to share their beds, beat them ; but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance): for Allah is Most High, Great (above you all).
(chapter 4- verse 34)

Moderator edit. This part was a cut-and-paste from the following site:


Refution complete
Last edited by a moderator:
dont give me a bloodly link as your answer.. i didnt post this as a question that i wanted you to answer.... i wanted you to read it and then tell me what you thought about the article... that's it...