"Women are to Keep Silent" ???


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
1 Corinthians 14:34-35
34 The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says.
35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.

Ummm, most of the women I know are extraordinary, intelligent, professional, and beautiful people. They are easily a male's equal or very often, better. How can a church silence women like this? This cannot be right, can it?

There is absolutely no indication here that this was only for the time in which it was written. None!

Does this Bible teaching bother anyone besides me?
It is a reflection of patriarchal values, which is all part of the church package. I have one friend who's an Apostolic Lutheran, and although the men take turns giving the sermon, none of the woman are allowed.
It would cut down on noise related headaches for men. :D
No seriously, as I understand it contains heaps and heaps of sexism.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35
34 The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says.
35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.

Ummm, most of the women I know are extraordinary, intelligent, professional, and beautiful people. They are easily a male's equal or very often, better. How can a church silence women like this? This cannot be right, can it?

There is absolutely no indication here that this was only for the time in which it was written. None!

Does this Bible teaching bother anyone besides me?

It's a reflection of the patriarchial nature of the early hebrews. Where they constantly had to try and reinforce the womans role according to that system.
They abondoned the role of the Goddess concept and were worse off without respecting the feminine aspect of the divine.:(
And don't forget the present Hebrews aren't much different, and these values have become Christian values.
That's just scratching the surface...

Tim 2:11

"I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men...."

So, how many women are now going against god? It makes me wonder everytime a woman tries to teach me something.. I'm like - "hey bitch, you aint allowed to teach me shit, so sayeth god"..

All of you that have a woman manager... get off your asses and set things right. All of you that have a woman as teacher.. stand up for jesus, stand up for god.. get rid of the bitch.
Guys, guys, guys...

Fellows, gentlemen, good sirs...

Do we really -want- women to be speaking in church?

Truly: Do we need them to nag us -in yet another venue-?
This is why i have a hard time trying to understand why people believe the bible is the 'word of god'.
All the values and attitudes presented in the bible are completely in line with how people at that period in history saw the world and their place in it - coincidence eh. :eek:
Guys, guys, guys...

Fellows, gentlemen, good sirs...

Do we really -want- women to be speaking in church?

Truly: Do we need them to nag us -in yet another venue-?

Actually, yes we do! They tend to bring balance to the Force! They bring up issues that men would never think of. And they can be a great help to us if we let them! That is my experience anyway.
That's just scratching the surface...

That is true!

Tim 2:11

"I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men...."

So, how many women are now going against god?

Almost all of them!


According to Jesus many profess to be Christians but few will actually enter the kingdom. Kind of a bummer! But what is one more soul burning in a “literal” or “figurative” (take your pick) hell for all eternity, to God, anyway?

They are also supposed to be saved through childbearing, according to the Bible. All those infertile women out there are most likely doomed to hell from birth. Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!

Let us hope, for their sakes, that there are no women here on sciforums that are trying to do this sinful thing!

(Hey, I just did a spellcheck on "sciforums" and it wanted to replace it with "sickrooms"! Coincidence? I don't think so!)
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This is why i have a hard time trying to understand why people believe the bible is the 'word of god'.
All the values and attitudes presented in the bible are completely in line with how people at that period in history saw the world and their place in it - coincidence eh. :eek:

True! If it were really from God you possibly might expect the Bible to have a more transcendent moral quality to it. But it just does not! Good point!
A question: as motivated as old Timmy was, was he a-speakin' for God that day? On a theological basis, his attack is totally unfounded. It's a pulpit punking.

I'd recommend the Christian churches drop him, and get in some of the Apocrypha.
Actually, Jesus reversed such sexist values. One of his most esteemed disciples was a woman, Mary Magdalene. Also some early Christian churches had no hierarchical structure. Whoever felt they wanted to preach could do so, they took turns, and women were included.
Actually, Jesus reversed such sexist values. One of his most esteemed disciples was a woman, Mary Magdalene. Also some early Christian churches had no hierarchical structure. Whoever felt they wanted to preach could do so, they took turns, and women were included.

I agree!

Jesus did reverse some of the sexist values that God Himself had taught the children of Israel in the Old Testament.

And great! There were perhaps a few early years when this sexist way of thinking stopped. Yippee!

But then, Paul, "under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit," came into the picture and brought them back in again!

I guess Jesus was just plain wrong! Or was Paul wrong?

Actually, Jesus reversed such sexist values. One of his most esteemed disciples was a woman, Mary Magdalene. Also some early Christian churches had no hierarchical structure. Whoever felt they wanted to preach could do so, they took turns, and women were included.

Quite - this is one of the things that gives me a lingering attraction for Christianity.

A lingering, steamy attraction. A "write hearts on the steamed-up bathroom windows" steamy attraction. A deep, soul-gazing attraction.

Oh yeah, Christianity - you go, girl.
Paul never met Jesus.

The attraction could be to the teaching of Jesus, rather than Christianity which he did not invent.
Are you saying I've got a woody for Christ?

You sick bastard.

Anyway; some of the trappings of modern Christianity strike me a bit amiss, true. I like the message though.