Why Aqueous, I had no idea that you could be so entertaining! Your two posts are excellent high humor.
I'm not. I'm a crabby old haltered token that the cat drug in. But what if not for folks of your ... OK!! GENDER!!!... that bring out the, you know, the whole let the hair down thing. Translated: most threads aren't as conducive to tomfoolery. Thus I accuse you of absolutely not being dry. In fact you're all wet! (And that's on account of all the backwash as you landed these big struggling marlins.) And notice: it's TOMfoolery. For a reason, right? You don't hear
thomasinafoolery up there in the Klondike, do you? It's a territorial thing, even up there among the Inuit and the caribou. We possess foolery like you possess horses. What do you get stuck with? Tending to them, all the grooming and hay and oats and what not, and what are we tending? Foolery. Who's smarter now, huh? Yeah, you just go on right ahead and break your back wrestling your big fellers to the ground just to show em who's boss, we're over here with our feet up, playing with the pencils because we're tired of taking the IQ tests over and over to see if we can memorize the answers.
I confess that I dropped this little tidbit into a couple of forums just to see what responses it would engender because I find psychology fascinating.
Translated: Sheh's got the devil in her, boys, so cut her a wide berth, and don't piss off her horse!!
Nothing has changed after all, merely our perception of circumstances and there is no accurate way to measure 'intelligence' that I am aware of.
It's a prevailing theme in literature, drama, you name it. All of the evidence says chicks (can I say that now, now that I'm officially the underdog? Let me check my messages from Dear Abby...Hmm... oops.) rule. But just here. We're still going to accuse you of being lousy drivers (worse on a horse by the way) and we're still going to label all non-action-adventure movies as "chick flicks"! And all the while we're going to diss the Saudis for not letting "their" women drive.
You may say that's conflicted. Well duh! We are complex, very much so, so 'course there's conflict there. A man is always girding loins for battle. And battle is what? Conflict. So how else to be ready for battle? Self-conflict. It's like a boxer working out only we use ourselves as punching bags. I bet you'd know that if they put it on the test. Yeah, we know yall have the test booklets. But see, they just don't put those kinds of questions on the IQ tests anymore, which of course curves the results. And that's the whole point. This whole IQ thing was just a brainchild of the eugenics movement. Anyone can write a test that only men will do well on. Example: Name an obnoxious female parasite. See, yall have been writing "mosquito" or, in worse parts of the world,
Anopheles, but see the correct answer is "Cootie".
Well, times change and so do the tests. What's cool about it though is that you've already nailed us for all this gerrymandering. Therefore, if you were to (hah) take over the Elk's Lodge and break into the X-files drawer and rewrite the tests yourself--well, can you say "Watergate"? There'd be hell to pay. And from that point on all women would be required to take their IQ tests in isolation booths. Baby I'm talking about JAIL. There'd be no trust left. 'Course guys would still be free to pass notes under their desks, or just to have a caller spout out all the answers over a transmitter that's linked to a roomful of miniature earphones.
Like I say wait til the results are in from, oh, Mississippi. Ellie May and Peggy Sue are going to put all those foreign nerdy goody-goody girls to shame. I mean they're going to bomb so bad they're going to pull down the average for the whole damn world.
Of women, that is.