woman arrested for selling sex toys

It's Texas.

While living in Texas I saw evidence of Texan Pride all over the place. Bumper Stickers like "Welcome to Texas, now get the hell out" and "Welcome to Planet Texas".

The only things bigger in Texas, are the lawbooks, the prisons, the police officers uniforms, and ignorance. (not all of Texas is ignorant, just most of the people I ever met there)
So the phrase "everything's bigger in Texas" does not apply to dildos and vibrators?
Texas law allows for the sale of sexual toys as long as they are billed as novelties, But when a person markets sex toys in a direct manner that shows their actual role in sex, then that person is subject to obscenity charges.

I'm laughing, but they're illegal in my country too. Here, in Cyprus, you can watch hard porn (except gay*) on local subscription TV, buy hard porn from any news stand, visit an abundance of 'gentlemen's clubs' and pubs selling East European hookers and buy crutchless edible knickers from the (impotent) sex shops; but you can't buy any form of sex toy!

A local hotel, owned by the church, does indeed offer hard porn TV to its guests, but when asked, why they didn't offer any gay porn, the official answer was that, 'gay sex wasn't natural'.

*Again, blame the church, which holds great power in this religious but amoral country... Hypocricy is a Greek word, after all.
This is great:
Two undercover police officers posed as a couple trying to spice up their love life and Webb sold the woman a vibrator.

It's good they're busy keeping rapists and murderers off the streets, yes?

Fark covered this one a few weeks ago, capturing the delightful headline:
"Gag order issued in sex toys case"

Question -
'Gay porn' presumably refers to all depictions of same-sex acts, including lesbians. Are you saying that the Greeks aren't allowed to watch girl/girl porn?
No... girl on girl porn is apparently 'natural'; it's the boy on boy sex they don't like, even though homosexuality has been legalised here for a few years.
texas (where im from) i have noticed it quite a strange state.
not to mention this b.s. plus the fact that its Bush's hometown.
texas thinks they run the show, it even wanted to become its own nation back in the day.
I believe they have the highest Death Sentences rate also, anyone back me up ?

i dont like texas anymore and i got the hell out-
now im burning in hell in phoenix !
Was this woman aware that what she was doing was illegal?
I think it would be funny if she was and she was like an underground blackmarket dildo dealer.
zonabi said:
i dont like texas anymore and i got the hell out-
now im burning in hell in phoenix !

Phoenix? Well hell, maybe we're neighbors!
No, Texas is not the leader in the Death Penalty.


Texas had about 38,000 murders from 1976-1998 that resulted in the arrest of people older than 16, according to the FBI records. California was the only state that had more, at 50,000. During that same period, Texas used the death sentence 776 times.


As of this past week, Texas had executed 319 people since 1976. By contrast, only 10 people have been executed in California, where 795 people were sentenced to death from 1976 through 2002.

I'm thinking it's because of the greater population of California, maybe?