Witch Massacre in India


One Hissy Kitty
Registered Senior Member
Police arrest 30 for India witchcraft killing

HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) - Police in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh Friday arrested 30 people accused of involvement in the gruesome murders of five people suspected of witchcraft.

A police statement said all the key accused were being held and raids were being conducted to arrest others.

Earlier this week, a mob of about 200 villagers stormed the homes of five suspected sorcerers. The victims were first beaten and tied to a tree before being doused with kerosene and burned alive.

The mob violence followed the deaths of two villagers, including a mentally ill woman, over the past week, which had triggered fears of witchcraft in the village.

Police officials said that they had appealed to the public not to believe in black magic or sorcery and not to resort to violence if they suspected such activities.
Geezums, it still seems hard to belive that someone would do something like that. I don't understand the whole concept of "witch hunting" in general, but burning them alive?...
That's cruel! They probably just heard some rumor and assumed the worst! And burning them alive?! How primitive is that!?

Okay, here's the facts:

I'm not your average computer geek or science freak.

I'm not all that great in science, especially when the use of big words come into play.

I'm UNDER 18...

While in the Science Olympiad, I stank from here to high heaven.

I do enjoy Bill Nye the Science Guy.

My favorite subject is History.

I've never divulged myself in a book about Anti-Matter.

I don't do crazy chemistry experiment in the basement (basically because we don't have one, but that besid the point).

I'm an Aries.

I love science-fiction and anime.

I've actually aced several science tests.

I've never made any scientific modifications.

The best character on Star Wars Episode 1 was JAR JAAR BINKS!
In East Menlo Park, California, a family to whom my company had rented an apartment (I was working in property management at the time) insisted that we throw out a family just down the hall because the wife had given them the "evil eye". Another lady feaked out when one of our maintenance men accidentally left his flashlight on the counter after unclogging her sink. She hadn't noticed him leave it behind and swore that the devil had enetered her apartment and put it there. She gave he notice of intent to vacate.

Oh, well. At least they didn't burn anybody alive.