Wisconsin: Say yes to Necrophilia


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member

Last years news, but unbelievable!

LANCASTER, WIS—A Wisconsin appeals court has upheld the dismissal of charges against the three men who dug up a woman’s corpse last year to have sex with it because Wisconsin has no law against necrophilia.

In a 3-0 Court of Appeals decision, it was held that a lower court judge was correct in dismissing the charges against twin brothers Nicholas and Alexander Grunke and Dustin Radke, all 21, last September because state lawmakers hadn’t intended to criminalize sex with a corpse.

The trio decided to dig up the body of Laura Tennessen, 20, who had been killed in a motorcycle accident after seeing her picture in an obituary notice in the newspaper. None of the three men knew the woman.

Radke told police that the three had stopped at a Wal-Mart on the way to the cemetery to buy condoms. They were arrested last Sept. 2 at the St. Charles Cemetery in Grant County, southwestern Wisconsin after police received a complaint about suspicious activity. The police report says that they found a vehicle which had been parked near the cemetery and then saw Alexander Grunke walking towards the vehicle, dressed in black. On questioning, Grunke told police that his brother and Radke were digging up a grave. Police found that the grave of a 20-year-old woman who had been killed Aug. 27 in a motorcycle accident had been partially dug up, with only the top of the concrete vault visible. Nicholas Grunke and Radke were arrested the following morning about eight miles from the cemetery.Prosecutors had appealed the dismissal of the charges, saying that there was a provision in the sexual assault law that says criminal penalties apply “whether a victim is dead or alive at the time of the sexual contact or sexual intercourse”. The court decision held that while the law was ambiguous, the most reasonable interpretation was that it does not ban necrophilia.
Friday, 27.July 2007

SAM of all the sexual activity we should be worried about necrophilia is WAYYYYY down the list. Its not like they could mentally damage a corpse. If anything i feel sorry for those who suffer from it but its not a HELL of a lot different from using a sex doll.

I DO however wish to qualifie this statement. I am in NOWAY suggesting that sexual sadists who kill there victoms before having sex with them is a non issue. Im talking about people like a funeral parlor worker who has sex with a body for a hypothetical example
Asguard, try telling that to the grieving family who have the final indignity of some utter filth trying to rape their daughter's barely cold body.
You are seriously suggesting that we should fill the courts and the mental health system (both of which are full ANYWAY) with necrophiliacs where there are serious problems that need to be delt with????

Digging up a body is illegal, fine whatever but i wouldnt be waisting parliment, the courts or the mental health systems with people who are no danger to anyone but themselves
Im going to leave whatever is left of my body (after all the usable bits are donated anyway) to science

Which beggs another point actually, spud you DO realise that when you leave your body to science, some of those bodies are left to rot in a yard so that forensic science students can practice determing what happens to a body exposed to the elements
Asguard, you're digging yourself a grave, (bad choice of phrase, I guess)
Opt out now.
Im going to leave whatever is left of my body (after all the usable bits are donated anyway) to science

Which beggs another point actually, spud you DO realise that when you leave your body to science, some of those bodies are left to rot in a yard so that forensic science students can practice determing what happens to a body exposed to the elements

I'm fine with that for me but if someone dug up my daughter, big trouble, me at the pointy end of the queue!
I dissagree. There are MUCH more important things to worry about than necrophiliacs

Take for instance pedifila, do you think if a psycologist had to chose they would ration there resorces to necrophilacs rather than pedifiles?

how about the police? Which would they rather protect, a child or a body?

its just not that important
Something like this happened in Florida, a couple years back - same problem, no specific law against having sex with a corpse. In the Florida case it was especially weird because the woman had just been murdered by IIRC her stepson, and it was one of the stepson's friends that got off without penalty.

In this case, there are laws against desecrating a grave, at least.

One of the cities of ancient Greece - Sparta ? - had a law about this kind of situation: if someone did something that was too odious to tolerate but required the passage of a new law to forbid, that person was thrown off a cliff just outside of town.
I'm fine with that for me but if someone dug up my daughter, big trouble, me at the pointy end of the queue!

That was on the news a few years ago. A toddler died and when the coroner examined her he saw that she had been sodomized. A whole investigation and dragging the family through the mud followed. It turned out the guy driving her dead body to the coroner did it.
You are seriously suggesting that we should fill the courts and the mental health system (both of which are full ANYWAY) with necrophiliacs where there are serious problems that need to be delt with????

Digging up a body is illegal, fine whatever but i wouldnt be waisting parliment, the courts or the mental health systems with people who are no danger to anyone but themselves
Would you say the same thing if someone dug up the corpse of a child to have sex with it? How about if the individual were brain dead and on a ventilator?

Someone who goes so far as to dig up people's graves to have sex with corpses need to be institutionalised or imprisoned. Even someone who decides to have sex with corpses in mortuaries should suffer the same fate.

And such people can become dangerous as they could very well start killing people just to have sex with a fresh corpse.
I seriously think clubs should be set up for these people. If I could donate my body to be cut up for science or chunks of me donated to other people, why couldn't people donate their body to these people?
Asguard, try telling that to the grieving family who have the final indignity of some utter filth trying to rape their daughter's barely cold body.

Barely cold? She died August 27th, these guys were arrested Sept 2nd.

I hope it was a good embalming job or that cadaver would be getting smelly. Those guys must be real retards.
bells did you ever hear paul mcdermits necrophila jokes?

Seriously though i think we should help these people, i dont think the courts should be wasting there time on this. Yes treat them because it will hurt themselves but get some perspective