

Registered Senior Member

Introduction to the WingMakers' Time Capsule
(Code-named Ancient Arrow Project)

Nearly 27 years ago, mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of the most intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever made. A secret, unacknowledged department of the NSA --
responsible for extraterrestrial contact and
technology assimilation -- took the discovery into their laboratory for the purposes of their own agenda. This secret organization is known as the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and has enjoyed complete anonymity until now.

The discovery -- referred to by the ACIO as the Ancient Arrow project -- consisted of 23 chambers and connecting tunnels hollowed out deep within a huge, natural rock structure in a remote canyon of northern New Mexico. Inside this massive and well-hidden structure were incredible artifacts of a culture that was of indeterminate origins. In each of
the 23 chambers were found wall paintings, various alien technologies, and strange, encoded hieroglyphs. By most appearances, the discovery was like a natural history museum from an alien race. It became known among the researchers as ETC or Extraterrestrial Time Capsule.

As far as the story goes, I don't take it seriously at all. It's just a nifty way to package some art. I loved the paintings most of all. Although they really weren't my style, I found my mind filled with images beyond the paintings. I was reminded of things and found myself lapsing into a meditative state. I found them beautiful.
Oxygen were you really lapsing into a meditative state, or is that just a load a fart up come out with.
Not kidding you. I practice Zen to cope with day to day stress. The colors and patterns on the paintings reminded me of some the patterns I see during a good meditation. I guess I just got lost in them, especially the blue tones. Do you know if they're available in print? I'd love to have a few of them.
Available in print, well you could all ways print your own copies and hanbg them up.
See what I mean people? The Bible explains ALL.

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.
Excellent story. I really enjoyed reading it. The story manages to combine all the really full on conspiracies like, NWO, ET and secret government / ET Treaties, Phili. EXP / Montauke Project, It even incorporates the ever familiar intergalactic social structures we see on star trek and X-Files alien adgenda's.....very good stuff. If my imagination was capable of such a story I'd be knocking on the doors of hollywood. But then again *insert Twilight Zone music* it could be true :D

Warmest Regards

I was talkin' bout the Ancient Arrow project, and it's implications. See, I think that the Bible does a good job of explaining to us that we are not the first to have technology as advanced as we do, and that we will not be the first to see God's wrath. God has had to wipe out this earth a few times already, including the flood. There are referrences all over the Bible about other beings besides humans. For example, who resided in the land of nod, and was found to be a mate for Adam's sons? If Adam and Eve were the only one's on earth, then who was in nod, and how did they get wives? What about the giants? Sound like Nordics, huh? What about the nephilum? What about the watchers in Enoch? What about the tower of babel? What about the antichrist and false prophet? What about the rapture? What about the upcoming cataclysmic earth changes that are God's wrath? It's all over the place.

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.