
Wingmaker Seeker

Mudutu Ina Gishtil
Registered Senior Member
In seventh grade ( I am now in 10th), I discoverd a book that contained a chapter called, "Wingmakers And Time Travel". This chapter blew my mind, so I decide to do research. The Wingmaker phenomenon is now a big part of my personal research, I want to find out if it is real or a scam. It is a quite "adventurous" story so be sure to look at it with an open mind. Everything that any skeptic could possibly question is answered in the series of four interwiews. The story goes that this scientist of the ACIO (a secret government agency) defected after a cave was found that contained artifacts that surpass our own technology and he wanted to tell his story. He went to a female reporter and she interviewed him four times and then he disappeared, and she remains anonymous. I know, it has the makings for a great science fiction novel, but once yo read the first page of these interviews, you will be hooked, and you read them completely, you will believe. I will cite my reasons for believing it as truth once people have time to read them .They are quite lengthy so I suggest reading them in sessions. Here are the links:

Interview 1

Interview 2

Interview 3

Interview 4

Once you have read one of them, you may wish to do research of your own (as I did), if you do it online, NEVER search "Wingmakers" that will lead you to two sites the wingmakers.con official sit (which totally sucks and is a big money scheme) and a psychic skills website which is cool but not about this topic. Instead seacrh "Neruda" or "Neruda Interviews" because this is the alleged name of the scientist, good sites follow this search. There are plenty of websites out there that claim this a hoax here are some of them:

wingmakers official site a hoax modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=538

To search this stuff you could type "Wingmakers hoax' which works. All that I can say is that if this is a hoax, why? It would take along time for someone to come up with a hoax so elabrate, and if I was going to spend my time on it, I would have made much more of an impact. Have Fun!
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in the monts leading up to 9/11 i was researchin about UFOs etc, and i came across about this. i decided to ask the maverick phycisist Jack Sarfatti what he thought about it. as his his way he replied wit 'BS'........this is just his opinion though
If the Wingmakers were so technologically further on the development curve, then why are they extinct, or gone? If they were capable of manipulating past events or influence the past then were are these ones, why didn’t they help themselves? Where are they?

This image supposedly from chamber 4 depicts the exact reason why humanity was almost destroyed. So from this chamber drawing, are the Wingmakers friend or foe?


It is one thing to study a race and their philosophy it is completely another to emulate it.
If the Wingmakers were so technologically further on the development curve, then why are they extinct, or gone? If they were capable of manipulating past events or influence the past then were are these ones, why didn’t they help themselves? Where are they?

Did you even read the interviews? They are (supposedly) not extinct, the interviewee doesn't know who they are. They could be from the futrue, representing a future version of humans, or they could be aliens, either way theywent back to the eighth century in order to put this (and six other) caves to help warn us of our impending doom. If they have BST, then they are capable of influencing past events, they do not help us for an unknown reason (perhaps they want to let us learn ourselver ie. the optical disc with tons of information). Please read at least half of the first interview before posting.
I did read almost half of the first interview, then I searched as you suggested "Neruda Interviews". I looked over some of the cave art at dispite the commericalism.

So my previous post as is still stands as I posted it.
Much of the cave art depicts DNA aspects, manipulation etc. and the representation of chrysalis.