Wingmakers Web site

paul defourneaux

Registered Senior Member
Hey Guys:
I don't know how many of you have seen this site, but it is worth taking a look at. The guy who put this stuff up there went to alot of trouble to convince you here is the real thing. He has even gone to the trouble of inventing new govt. agencies which don't exist now or ever.
The only place he messe up is when he tried to stimulate interest in the site by being an anymous query. What he forgot was thru computers you can check the source of about anything you wish.
This led to the discovery that his e-mail adresse is the same as his web site and he is the owner of both.
All in all I still think it is worth checking out.Please let me know your opinions on this stuuf and here are the links needed to see it all, and see the Caus site, which speaks of it.

Think about what great science fiction this guy writes and the trouble he went too.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :p:
i think ive been there before,it was pretty kool, and i liked it, something to doo on a long day of nothing... but have you been here????


when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!


OI to the punx!, OI to the skins!, and OI to the world and everybody in!!!

[This message has been edited by dexter (edited August 18, 2000).]
Hey Dexter:
Been there and done that. I read it all with unbridaled enthusiasm, until my brother sent the posting on the C.A.U.S. web page about wingmakers. I then procceded to check into it further and I found out what a shame it really was.
I kinda wish it was all true in a way.Thanx for the input.
Paul/Machiaventa :cool: :cool: :cool:

[This message has been edited by paul defourneaux (edited August 18, 2000).]