Wing Implants


Registered Member
ok so ive been woundering ok... in the near future, do yall think it would be possable to be able to go to the surgeon and get wings implanted. and actuly have them work. take some bones, skin, viens, nerves, ect. and attatch them onto the shoulder blade, connect the nervs threw the spine, or some how up to the brian. and actuly have them work..
i do believe it is possable. and i also believe that the military might be interested. have wing implanted soldiers, with the ability of self flight. the military would have the ultamate stealth force i do believe...
any ideas?
To attach something as big and heavy as a wing (think about the size they would have to be to have feasible flight) without having the right muscular structure wouldn't really be possible without further manipulation of overall body composition. We do not have the pectoral capacity to support wings, and since that is how, in birds the wings are brought through motion, and cosidering the power they would have to have, the pectorals would have to be massive. Supercoracoideus muscles also a problem. Overall anatomy is too different in humans to support wings.

Maybe something mechanical would work better, functioning as a sort of stealthy jet pack i guess.
i see what your saying.. but its still not impossable... itll take a shit load of surgery along with advances technolegy, but its still not impossable
I wonder if you really know what is being implied as well as what has been explicitly posted.
i see what your saying.. but its still not impossable... itll take a shit load of surgery along with advances technolegy, but its still not impossable
It might be possible if you are willing to have your birdmen look more like birds than men.
The military has what are known as "HALO" parachutists that are dropped out of a plane at over 45,000 feet and can land over 50 miles away from the drop area.
Yes it would be possible, but in far future only. However, one would have to be extremely lightweight and most likely be on a planet where gravity is sufficiently less that of Earth, yet air pressure is the same as of Earth.

The way it can be done is through genetic manipulation I would this time human genome would have to be thoroughly known for all the functions of all the genes. Furthermore nanotechnology would be the tool behind the manipulation of genes' techniques. The genes of the wings might be taken from the large pterodactyls dinosaurs of the past.
The wings would have to be as big as a hang glider, and would require tremondous strength to flap. Plus, birds have hollow bones and are built to be light. We are not. If genetic modification advanced enough..we might be able to create a human light enough...but that would be long in the future.
TIf genetic modification advanced enough..we might be able to create a human light enough...but that would be long in the future.

Psshhh, just carve them bones out and replace 'em with PVC pipes.
And legs? Who needs legs when you got wings?
Who said you wouldn't have feet?

feet will add a lot of weight which is necessary to be reduced for introduction of wings. In addition to that the energy of the body needs to be balanced with the introduction of wings.
I guess if you think of piedbill grebes' wings and structure, those might work... Wings that only allow the animal to get airborne from water. However, having nerves and veins and shit attach from this obvious foreign body would require so many stupid drugs even if they could maintain enough human characteristics... No. The idea ain't gonna happen.
Won't your brain be like, all messed up from all of a sudden having to control this new organ?
Won't your brain be like, all messed up from all of a sudden having to control this new organ?

our brain can handle so much more, it would be as a feeling of having an erection in a young boy, he never felt it before when he was young, but than one day his gift woke up and stiffened. And so will it be the same with the wings, they will be no different than hands.
No, that doesn't make any sense. Imagine when you were born. You weren't walking all of a sudden. Your brain had to make connections and had to experiment to make sure you got to the point of walking. The same has got to go with implanting wings. You won't be up and flying all of a sudden. You could have all the bone and muscle well attached, if your brain doesn't know how to use it, it's dead weight until you DO know how to use it.
well tamkinrules...that depends which path you want to take for those wings to work. There is a way of rerouting neural system of a human and allowing one to experiment how to move the wings which muscles to pull. This is almost the same as when person who looses an arm gets a mechanical arm. The second way is to go and manipulate the DNA and cross the human with some dna responsible for wings from Pterosaur for example. We have their DNA.