Will the world end before "Judgement day"

Will "judgement day" come before the world ends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters

Grey Seal

I mean judgement day generally, whatever it is called in any religioin. I'm not sure how long it'll be until the world ends...something about the sun expanding or exploding or something, but theists, do you think your god will come and judge or reurn or whatever before then? Just asking because I wondered the same thing maybe up until 10 years ago, when I was still a catholic. It didn't happen in 2000, when will it happen, or when is it next expected at least?

--Didn't mean to offend anyone of any other religioin about the messiah thing...if you don't have a messiah, I meant the day of judgment or whatever it may be called to you. Don't know much at all about other religions.
well as far as I know in christianity there is a belief that Christ will 'rapture' his 'church' then there will be a period of 'tribulation/judgment' before christ sets up his kingdom on earth.....

by 'rapture' i mean take it away to heaven and church refers to the believers in christ
in islam the prophet muhamed {peace upon him}told us that there is 2 types of sighns indicate that the day of judment is close.
the first signs are the minor one and the other are the major one.
the minor signs come before the major one and i will tell u some of them coz they r too much;
inrease no. of wars and the fight between men each other till no of the women exceed that of the man (already occured}
another sign increase no. of earth quakes . and the time become shorter means that it past fastly {this too already exists}
increase ignorancy . and the people build a very high buildings.
the splitting of the moon and this is already happened in the time of prophet muhamed.
the women is dressed but naked {tight and transparent clothes}
this is some of the minor signs
and most of them are already happened
and about the major , the el masseh el dagal {dont know whats his name in english} but a liar man call himself god and do some miracles then the jesus return and yagog and magog then the sun arise from the west and not the east.
oops, I forgot to mention the AntiChrist......thank you for reminding me Mohammad! It is said that the antichrist will rise and rule over the earth (there will be many signs from Heaven during this time as well), he will be a liar and a servant of satan.

I suggest reading the book of Revelations in the Bible, its facinating and it is where christians get the prophesies of the future.also read whichever book outlines the muslim views as they seem to be similar!
Originally posted by mohamed
in islam the prophet muhamed {peace upon him}told us that there is 2 types of sighns indicate that the day of judment is close.
the first signs are the minor one and the other are the major one.
the minor signs come before the major one and i will tell u some of them coz they r too much;
inrease no. of wars and the fight between men each other till no of the women exceed that of the man (already occured}
another sign increase no. of earth quakes . and the time become shorter means that it past fastly {this too already exists}
increase ignorancy . and the people build a very high buildings.
the splitting of the moon and this is already happened in the time of prophet muhamed.
the women is dressed but naked {tight and transparent clothes}
this is some of the minor signs
and most of them are already happened
and about the major , the el masseh el dagal {dont know whats his name in english} but a liar man call himself god and do some miracles then the jesus return and yagog and magog then the sun arise from the west and not the east.

Most of these signs were stolen straight from the Christian bible, written some 500 years earlier.
I don't believe in Judgement Day. If there's god, he/she/it won't be judging you, you won't be punished or rewarded - you'll just face the consequences of your earthly choices. That's what we do every day, so I guess you may say that judgement day happens on a daily basis.;)
Originally posted by mohamed
in islam the prophet muhamed {peace upon him}told us that there is 2 types of sighns indicate that the day of judment is close.
the first signs are the minor one and the other are the major one.
the minor signs come before the major one and i will tell u some of them coz they r too much;
inrease no. of wars and the fight between men each other till no of the women exceed that of the man (already occured}
another sign increase no. of earth quakes . and the time become shorter means that it past fastly {this too already exists}
increase ignorancy . and the people build a very high buildings.
the splitting of the moon and this is already happened in the time of prophet muhamed.
the women is dressed but naked {tight and transparent clothes}
this is some of the minor signs
and most of them are already happened
and about the major , the el masseh el dagal {dont know whats his name in english} but a liar man call himself god and do some miracles then the jesus return and yagog and magog then the sun arise from the west and not the east.

Most of these signs were stolen straight from the Christian bible, written some 500 years earlier.
Originally posted by Circe
I don't believe in Judgement Day. If there's god, he/she/it won't be judging you, you won't be punished or rewarded - you'll just face the consequences of your earthly choices. That's what we do every day, so I guess you may say that judgement day happens on a daily basis.;)

facing the consequences is the same thing as being punished or rewarded........if you did something bad you get bad consequences (punishment) if you did goog you get good consequences (rewards)

if there is a God how do you know that he wont be judging you?
~New Life~

facing the consequences is the same thing as being punished or rewarded........if you did something bad you get bad consequences (punishment) if you did goog you get good consequences (rewards)

No, facing the consequences is just..facing the consequences. I don't see it as something negative or positive, so no punishment/reward. In other words, If I screw up I don't think I'm being punished when it comes to paying for it.

if there is a God how do you know that he wont be judging you?

You're right, I don't know that. I can only speak of my perception of god.
This is from a Jewish text:

If a man says:
--"I will sin and repent, I will sin and repent!"
he will be given no chance to repent.
(If he says):
--"I will sin and the Day of Atonement [yom Kippur] will make atonement!"
the Day of Atonement does not make atonement.
The Day of Atonement (only) makes atonement
for a man's offense towards God;
but for offense between a man and his neighbor,
the Day of Atonement does not make atonement,
until he has appeased his neighbor."
--- Mishna, Yoma 8.9

What if you do not realise the ultimate consequence of your everyday consequences? If you sin even just once a day for your whole life, it adds up. If eventually you do face God, you will stand before Him a liar and a sinner, no matter how good you were the rest of the time. We need salvation.
Most of these signs were stolen straight from the Christian bible, written some 500 y

may be it is said in the bible . i dont know
but whats the proplem islam dont deny christanity and there are some of islam are from christanity and as i said before islam come came to complete christanity
i just wanted to say islam didn't "steal" from the bible, since we believe in the same god as christians, we believe he sent down the bible first and then our quran, which is why there are so many similarities between christianity and islam

muhammad had been uneducated and had no awareness of the christian rules and revelations, yet he knew all these signs because allah had told them to him, as he had told jesus before

i wish people weren't so ignorant and get all the info before using words as 'steal'
i think the two concepts/events coincide. seems to me that the end of the world is our judgement, and in an enlightened spiritual state, we will understand why. but we're told that it's not really the end. it's really the beginning of a new kingdom. a world that will be a much more pleasant and loving place to live, because of what we've learned today.

i think it's important to note here too that there are many people who will not reach this enlightened spiritual state by choice. people who do not seek the truth about this world and how wrong it is now. there are actually those who when given the choice, will want to stay in this place that is so wrong for forever. and this will be the mark of the beast.