will the world change in 2013??


Registered Member
many people think that civilization as we know it will change in or around this time frame, I know only time will tell, but I am wondering what everyone thinks of this.
Only time will tell first lets get through Jan 1 2000 not holding my breath then the date ive been told by the alien species of july 26 2000 if all is well after that i'll be happy

Eric Cooper

If all is well after July 26, 2000 -- what will you think of your "alien communications" <u>then</u>?


and all the fans of doomsday prophecies and cross-culture cosmic correlations and alien conspiracies -- if nothing happens at or around 2013, and it's the year 2030 or something, and assuming you are still alive -- what will you believe <u>then</u>?

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited October 03, 1999).]
Well Boris its a fact that all is deceptive so i take all im told with a grain of salt. If it happens it happens regardless i dont stop living because of what im told. I simply don't worry about it
I have heard about a lot of dates from early 80's to 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2008, 21December 2012 ( according to the Maya's)

I have it in the back of my head, but it's nothing that i am losing sleep over.

If it happens, it happens. I will be prepared in my own way. If Jesus comes, i'll be sitting here waiting for him over a glass of whiskey.

A nuclear bomb - i'll be sitting where it hits with the same bottle enjoying the last second..

I am not running for the hills to get settled in a cave somewhere waiting..
ive heard a lot of dates too. nostradamous had a prediction for last july,25th 1999,"fire will come from the sky" or something like that.i was interested,but still paid my bills and all that.i actually thought if there was going to be anything it would be in india or pakistan because of their nuke abilities and bickering at that time. im not too freaked about y2k,i think that date is too easy, and everyone apperantly freaks at the turn of ceturies.2013 im interested in because of the mayas and sumerians,but besides that,im not thinking about dates.just like h-kon,ill be sitting there with whiskey,only ill be in my corvette with a hot chick,and maybe some guns...actually,might as well have a flash light...and some extra food,and........nik
I'm not sure about any dates what I
am sure about is the world cannot go on much longer. Man unfortunately ( or if your an alien it may be a blessing) will
destroy themselves its only a matter of time. Our problems advance like technology, exponentialy. I feel strongly that the end is very near.

Alien - What do you think is going to happen, and when?

I have the same feeling, but being that I am only one lousy person, there isn't much i can do now is there. The prophecies and all that are talking about changes so large that there is nothing any human, single or collective can do about it. All we can do is wait..

That is if any of it is going to happen while i live...

Another bottle of Whiskey for me please...
I think maybe it will be a large meteor
that will strike earth and it may be what the Mayas had in mind around 2012.Scientists say it will happen its just a matter of when and I wouldn't be suprised if the Maya's are right they did not have their head in the sand like many today.Come 2012 I will be having shots of whiskey myself.For now it stays in the back of my mind as it does for you and a lot of other people.

Will you guys cheer up?!! :)

I've been working on my tan and pumping iron getting ready for summer. That's as technical as I'll get on this planet.

It's not that I am depressed because of it. I do believe everything happens for a purpose, and maybe it's time something happened that woke up all up in time.

A meteor. Hmm. quite possible. I do know that something is coming our way pretty soon, but i do not know what it is, or when it happens.

Time will tell, but until it happens. I will be doing what i always do, screwing around with computers, and try to find my place in it all.

Dave.. That did sound tempting.. too bad its too $@*&( hot here in Vegas :D
Nik. Nostradamus didn't set a specific date for it really here is the original quatrain called X-72 first in French, then the translated version...

Century X-72

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.

The year 1999 seven month,,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

You are quoting from the translation of the quatrain, not from the original quatrain which almost every expert find different than the other ;)

In other words. Nostradamus is very cryptic, and there are no one who knows what he means before it happens ;)
thanx for the correction/original prediction.thats interseting and very true. many people have different ways of interpreting nostradamous and others.theres probably just as many perceptions as there are different peoples characters/personalities.
Well, let's see...last night while watching good ol' Tom on the evening news, I was making a mental list of the recent news current events topics. We've had floods, famine, pestilence, plagues, earthquakes, wars and rumors, and heat (global warming), and hurricanes. If these types of events increase in frequency and intensity, then according to revelations, we should be pretty close, right? Oh yea, and the spirit of the antichrist is at an all time high. Now there's one that Boris can't deny, he's contributing to it for crying out loud!

God loves you and so do I!

...floods, famine, pestilence, plagues, earthquakes, wars and rumors, and heat (global warming), and hurricanes...

And how many of these things happend in <u>your</u> neighbourhood? Would you even know of them if it wasn't for global news services and instant communications? Now, backtrack by a couple of centuries of technological advancements -- did less ugly stuff happen back then, or did they just not know about it? Besides, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes happen constantly, and have always been happening. And, there has been no increase in geological activity. And talk about plagues -- remember the Black Death, or the measles epidemics, or the smallpox bacillus that wiped out American Indians?

Climate change is a result of human activity (and possibly certain global weather cycles we do not yet fully recognize) -- not some divine workings. And with the accelerating adoption of green energy, coupled with the prediction that fossil fuels will be depleted in a few decades -- the global warming phenomenon is about to reach a peak, after which the only way for the greenhouse gasses and atmospheric temperatures to go is down.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited October 05, 1999).]

Some of them happen in my neighborhood. When I look, I have no trouble seeing the line that people around me cross everyday, and the consequences of it. Some of those things haven't happened in my back yard though. But as you pointed out, do they really have to? Increasing frequency and intensity. Ok, so now we have the instruments to measure, we shall see.

I also did not say that these things are divine work. Congratulations, you just may have described some of the prophecy in Revelations in scientific terms. The how, but as always, not the why. Man has chosen his destiny. THAT my friends is free will.

God loves you and so do I!
dude trojan, u and lori should use your own
topic and talk about jesus. cause we dontwanna hear from either of u, u just waste space.


And you don't consider your last post a waste of space????? You might as well be spankin' the monkey for all it's worth.

God loves you and so do I!
If youve gotten down here, noogies to you!

Did anyone here about the Asteroid all the media would hit in 2013, or something like that?

It's gonna hit!!

FEMA and the good ol' U.S gov't has pushed it out of view. By ignoring it, it won't go away!

I don't care, though, I'll do something, there's still time. I can say that, the gov't can't! They have to start preparing NOW!