Will the rise of indigenous spirituality make a better world?

Eric F. Magnuson

Registered Member
Will the rise of indigenous spirituality make a better world?


"Absolute separation of church and state is impossible because what people are spiritually determines the form of government they will choose or condone. The economic system of a country will never exceed the soul wisdom of the people residing therein. Wherever we find the vile institutionalized cowardice of scarecrow religion, we also find Socialism or some other unworkable form of collectivist government. We can't expect an inferior prevailing spirituality to result in a superior way of running society. If the people are no good, the government will be even worse."

Please visit unusual "Evolutionary Psychology" site.
Gee, I wonder why I get a sense of deja vu?

Oh! That's because this has been posted before.
I dont see how.
Right now the world is suffering under the yoke of the indigenous spirituality of a semite warrior tribe.
The factionalism of the semite warrior god believers is the greatest threat to the safety of human race today.
Indigenous Spirituality

Dear Morlock,

My point is that if people draw archtypal inspiration from their own ancestral mythologies (rather than somebody else's) we won't be saddled with the manipulative control of worldwide universalism, which I think is more collectivist bootlicker than warrior in manifestation.

My feeling is that you and I are very much in agreement.

See my remarks in context:

Eric F. Magnuson
No I dont think were in agreement.
You make alot of the same mistakes that most western spiritual thinkers make, for one, you invest evil with a positive moral valence of its own.
Also your ideas of justice would seem to allow for the practice of ends justifying means.

You should have thrown more away before you started.

We need a new paradigm not a rehasing of all of the same crap.

Let me tell you how we got here.
With the rise of agriculture we got patriarchial warrior gods. Those who control the economics get to decide the nature of god and women miscarry if they plow. So god is a guy.
Effectively practiced agriculture produces food surpluses and food surpluses produce people surpluses. More people means you need more land. Thus is born the standing army.
At this point you also have a heirarchial political-religious structure who have the job of creating the necessary consent in the general population to march over the hill and kick some ass and steal some land. Most people are ethical enough to realize this is wrong so the political-religious hierarchy have to manufacture propaganda to make the others over the hill into the "evil" ones.
At this point you have a homicidal manic patriachal warrior god because thats what keeps the grain silos stocked.

Because of globalization we are now all essentially members of the same tribe and continued practice of this paradigm is racial suicide.

Harkening back to the spiritual good old days is just sticking your head in the sand.

Whats needed is a new ethic and there have been proponets of a new ethic, jesus (though his message may be hoplessly tainted with the onus of instutionalized christianity) the buddha and others. More will come along im sure and keep ringing the bell till we either hear it or die from a lack of attention.
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Evolutionary Libertarianism


Don't be in such a hurry to reply. Follow the links.

Evolutionary Libertarianism is a new ethic. It doesn't attempt to justify immoral means. It works and is the only thing that works.

Eric F. Magnuson