Will robots someday laugh at those crazy apes in white coats?

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Why root for the robot against your own kind - yourself even? Robots no doubt will look upon you as an inferior piece of garbage. Why root for those snobs?
It is not so certain that increased intelligence will give robots the ape-based and ego-inspired emotion of superiority. Kurtzweil suggests that intelligent machines will have an active spiritual life (see: The Rise of Spiritual Machines).
no offence it's hard to believe that a intilligent robot couldn't make a spare body and download his conciesness in it, so it would have no need for any spiritual thought beside being as neutraly as possible to deal with the things (humans) around it that do believe in higher beings. Who knows if ever a intiligent robot culture survives mankind and the robots have the recources they might end up cloning us recreating their original makers making us in fact machines???
maybe true intelligence means peace and love instead of thinking your better than everyone.. you just accept everything around you and live with it?
We are programming robots to be even more independent. Give them sensors, give them the ability to learn, to expereience and feel, and they will become more or less 'intelligent'

We should defintely be careful. If we make a robot that learns, that experiences the world and makes its own judgements, he may see it as necessary to exterminate Humanity for his own needs. If so, the very defenses we gave them will be used to destroy us.

Be careful for sure
why we have to create more intelligent ROBOTS and why we have to worry about danger.
There are so many beutiful things (LIVING AND NON LIVING) in this world.
Instead of enjoying this, we are looking for life less objects.

will robots laugh
will robots take over the world
will robots eat
will robots dance
will robots replace human race
Is there any meaning in these questions.
well, who says that the technology that makes robots intelligent can't be used to bolster our own capabilities with cybernetics? perhaps man and machine will begin to grow alongside each other?
If robots don't have capacity to enjoy having sex then I'm more likely to laugh at them. Star Wars pointed out that clones > droids. haha... :p
if the robots are made in china, we can defeat them with sticks :D the robot uprising will be more of a field day for anyone who's wanted to beat something with a baseball bat
No robot will ever have any intelligence. No robot will ever think. All computers do is manipulate binary bits according to instructions. Neither feedback nor randomisation change that. I never did meet a computer engineer who thought his computer chips could or ever would possess consciousness. Thought does not emerge from integrated circuits. Anyone who thinks any different has been exposed to too much scifi and too little reality.
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