Will computers ever get legal rights?

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I would think that you should be asking...

Will humans ever get legal rights?

I say that as there are many people out there that are suffering at the hands of others without their legal rights being heard or met.

Once that's ironed out then the world should concern it with the computers version. Although at present they aren't intelligent enough to tell the difference between right and something that someone programmed Wrong.
So the true legal rights are going to be with their Programmers.
That's all you have to say?
Well....this went nowhere.
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Oh? Did you want more?

Computers will get legal rights, IMO, when they develop intelligence and individual personalities comparable to that of humans. Such rights will probably include a right not to be turned off, for example, since this might be analogous to killing a human being.

If you want more detailed replies, you should probably phrase your questions more specifically. Ask a yes/no question and you invite a yes/no answer.

refer to our two ROBOT MORALITY THREADS,ONE STARTED BY Cris and other by me in the same forum.

Originally posted by James R
Computers will get legal rights, IMO, when they develop intelligence and individual personalities comparable to that of humans. Such rights will probably include a right not to be turned off, for example, since this might be analogous to killing a human being.
I disagree. Turning them off would be analogous to making them unconscious. Turn them back on and they wake up.
Originally posted by Alpha
I disagree. Turning them off would be analogous to making them unconscious. Turn them back on and they wake up.
there's an interesting thread here in intelligence and machines where Stryderunknown has mentioned about androids dreaming etc.

i have read about temporary idle luls and timeouts and read about them in a processors,i still dont know what are they for,but i can speculate that it for regeneration purposes.(dreaming process etc).

acoording to recent study(experimental study) a research conducted by MIT (as i have mentioned in that thread)all the electronic devices regardless of all the enviormental wear and tear if used constantly may degrade,whereas if turned off for a while and then used after even breaks,efficiency increases,so there is a possibility of computers already being concious.the reference for this is TIME magazine.however you may also check up at Sci-Am mags etc on the subject.

Hell ...

If a non-entity like a corporation can have 'legal rights', why not a computer?

There is the possibility of greater intelligence (depending on the programmer) ;)
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