Will and directed brainwork


Registered Member
It's will that controlls us. Everything you do (think, eat, move) you want it.

1. Humans have ability to direct all one's brainwork (thoughts, feelings, wills) to another one. That means you can make another soul to feel what you do, feel, think. He will feel his own and sender life at same time.

2. You can use your muscles with will what controlls them. You can controll some another human body(muscles) with your own will. That means you can make another soul to do(think) what you want (to want what you want). His muscles will do what both of you want. You can think to another one, who will feel his own and the sender's thoughts at same time.

You must want it.
That's life.
"You can controll some another human body(muscles) with your own will."

No, thats wrong.
To a certain degree, in some situations, when you have a gun pressed to the poor guy's forehead, you can compel him to move as you want him to.

But this remote willpower nonsense is the product of too many shrooms in one night. Lay off the crack, J.
I wouldn't suggest Will defines our lives, afterall for free will to exist would me having the ability to choose your own path. Currently we can not choose our own path, our path is set by the universe and if we were to attempt to defer from that set path we might have to put up with the whole weight of the universe trying to keep us on our original path.

The only time that we might be able to have free will and a choice over our destiny will involve a time paradox, where you can see events how they would have occured but then make a choice to change what occurs instead.

Mathematically though it's suggested that not everybody does this to begin with, because every alteration a person makes to generate their own destiny would create greater chaos to the known universe. Therefore if the chaos is kept to a minimum it will be more mathematically finite and capable of being manipulated than chaotically infinite and only measurable with small measures.

[I would clean up this to make what I'm trying to explain better understood however some things are best left the way they are]
if your not joking Joakim.
would you like to earn a million dollars, check out here or you could prove it by making someone on this site do something, by your will alone.
but you wont get any money for it.
Yep you're right Joakim and in the litteral sense too.

And the Randi disciples have got here pretty early already i see, wake up call.. 'experiments' that have a pot of the money at stake if they dont go the investigator's way are neither scientific or helpful in our understanding of the universe.
"Currently we can not choose our own path, our path is set by the universe and if we were to attempt to defer from that set path we might have to put up with the whole weight of the universe trying to keep us on our original path."

I dont believe this statment is correct. I agree with Joakim in that our will plays a huge part in our lives.

We are in control of our lives, and those who accept mundane life because they simply sit ther let life control them. Its your path? to work 5 days a week in a store of office? To settle with a house in the burbs.

Not I. Society is not our proper home. Will is super strong. Everything depends on your will.

You can use your will to manifest things with energy or magick, and you can use it in a physical manner, to create your plan and do the work that needs to be done to succeed in your dreams.
but you can't control other people, you cant make them believe what you believe, think what you think, feel what you feel..or whatever else Joakim was saying.

and everything does not depend on your will. there are just somethings that you cant control or do, despite how strong your will is.