Will an Obama presidency give UFO researchers access to more data?


Deacon Blues
Valued Senior Member
Republican administrations have a history of being very closed lipped about UFO records. Will an Obama administration be more open? I understand Podesta wants to know the truth about UFOs. Will he release the secret files and the files are have been released but are mostly blacked out because UFOs are not a national security threat?
Republican administrations have a history of being very closed lipped about UFO records. Will an Obama administration be more open? I understand Podesta wants to know the truth about UFOs. Will he release the secret files and the files are have been released but are mostly blacked out because UFOs are not a national security threat?

If aliens have that advanced system to get them to Earth from wherever they came, wouldn't thay just take us over if they are advanced that far and have superior weapons? Also if aliens were here why do they want to hide from everyone, wouldn't "coming out" be better for them as well as for humans too?:shrug:
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Since none of us know if there are or are not beings from other planets visiting us, we can only speculate of their existence. But there are UFO anomilies that are worthy of further investigation and the government has hardly been forthright in disclosure of those well documented events.

If there are aliens from other worlds visiting us, I would imagine they would not interfer with our development or we are just not that interesting to them. Certianly if they wanted to create havoc with us (again assuming they exist) they certianly could.
If aliens have that advanced system to get them to Earth from wherever they came, wouldn't thay just take us over if they are advanced that far and have superior weapons? Also if aliens were here why do they want to hide from everyone, wouldn't "coming out" be better for them as well as for humans too?:shrug:

This would have been a KILLER post in "pseudoscience". Is it OK to continue this train of thought here? To me, this mere speculation stuff is what the imagination is all about. I LOVE it!

Kudos to you for an awesome thought nonetheless.
Below this line may not be appropriate for this thread and I do apologize if that is the case. If so, could a Mod. move this to where ever it should be? (thanks)

Incidentally, from the perspective that you have approached this curiosity from, the answer is obvious. But let me play Beelzebub's advocate here for a sec.

In order for this speculative curiosity to have any real weight, we both have to be in agreement that:

premise (a) Aliens are superior to human kind and are indeed, because of our human perceptions of their capabilities, more so akin to what we would in a comic book sense imagine them as "super heroes" or "lesser gods".

If this were the case, these aliens are really more so a projected evolutionary personification of a human being.

but what if that's not the case at all? What if we were to dispense with the idea of "advanced life forms" altogether and rather considered them to be parallel to us in linear evolution?

What if (as I have read so many scientists with logical predisposed aversions to their seeming impossible journeys to earth because of distance) the "trip" to earth for them is no real distance trip at all?

Perhaps what we perceive or imagine as an indispensable accompaniment to them with respect to distance, namely their technology, is in reality a natural extension of their being.

Perhaps their natural course of evolution is one that leads to a self contained stationary superiority. Thus the aim of their evolution would be one that in reality departs from the basis that is motion and perhaps we ourselves are that which they mistakenly perceive as the enlightened.

Perhaps they themselves marvel as much at our command over the physical dimensions as we speculate about the mysteries of their fanciful travels.

We (human beings) are always thinking in terms of the preponderance for tactile methodologies that we ourselves can achieve just as we are naturally.

What if natural to them is like east from west with respect to what is natural for us?

What if in reality they themselves are greatly intimidated by what they perceive as our violent superiority as a species because they themselves have struggled in observation possibly for hundreds of years just to comprehend what is so guttural and natural to us?

There are so many possible reasons why they have not made themselves known.

(This is presented with absolute speculation of course understanding that there is positively ZERO proof that these aliens even exist)
I am very disappointed with how this thread has been managed. Wither you belive in UFO's is not the question as some have made it. The issue is that there is a UFO phenomenon and the government keeps records on the topic. Should not those records be public especially if the UFO phenomenon is not a threat to public security? This is not about pseudo science.
Firstly you have to identify that there is any information on aliens to begin with. The likelihood is that there is in fact nothing and this is the main reason why nothing has ever been turned up.

When people complain about the "tight lippedness" of those in charge what they tend to neglect is those people are hounded day after day over "illusive" materials that they probably keep telling them "don't exist" however since those that "believe" in something think they are lieing, they just keep hounding them.

This is one of the main ways to get a department to not be supportive of aiding people, especially if they have to watch every letter, phonecall or email they have with people because of how such "believers" will twist what's said to their own means.
No this is not about science. This is about the government opening records for legitimate research. Belief or disbelief is not the issue. The issue is about transparency.
Transparency of records which may or may not exist, records on a phenonemon which may or may not be real?
If they show nothing then all that happens is the woo woos scream "cover up". Again.:rolleyes:
Especially in view of the fact that the pro-UFO community has been claiming that "the government will make an admission in the next two years" for the last 15-20 years and no "admission" has been forthcoming.
Especially in view of the fact that the pro-UFO community has been claiming that "the government will make an admission in the next two years" for the last 15-20 years and no "admission" has been forthcoming.

h3y zere wait a second...UK released the super secret UFO alien extraterrestrial files...just a year ago if I recall correctly

here they are: http://ufos.nationalarchives.gov.uk/

the light of truth has finally struck us all, humble Earthlings...and we now are destined to know about the little green men on faraway galactic formations


they have landed...they live amongst us all.
Oh yeah...
I got those a while ago.
They redefine "dull".
they redefine "dull" to a whole new meaning...the meaning of life, universe, and everything, as we may know of it has come to the appreciation of this very sole fact that the essence of this reality has finally gave us the reason to the true appreciation of the realization of the extraterrestrial terrestrial extraterrestrials from faraway galactic formations. From now on, these very files...given to us with, generosity beyond this universe, has opened doors to the truth with which we Earthlings dared not to see above the so called logical reasoning...

now...the truth is out there...the UK website has all the files need to prove the existence of aliens, God, and purpose of our living.
Um, not quite....

not quite? :eek: this website has finally given us all the reason to exist, within the foolproof UFO footages we can clearly understand the meaning of life and why God has given us what he has given us, whatever it is he has given us. And you still dare doubt the very essence within these holier than Bible evidence doctrines? :eek: How...could...you

Obama will surely open your eyes to the alien truth and let the truth shine like no other light from Philips co. The day has come, Obama will let us all know that aliens are out there and they are waiting for us all.
not quite? :eek: this website has finally given us all the reason to exist, within the foolproof UFO footages we can clearly understand the meaning of life and why God has given us what he has given us, whatever it is he has given us. And you still dare doubt the very essence within these holier than Bible evidence doctrines? :eek: How...could...you
Then you're seeing slightly more than I did when i read the reports.
Reason to live?

Obama will surely open your eyes to the alien truth and let the truth shine like no other light from Philips co. The day has come, Obama will let us all know that aliens are out there and they are waiting for us all.
WTF is Obama?:p
WTF is Obama?:p

didn't you know? :bugeye:

From book of Mohammed Ali, Koran verse 1088:42

"A day shall give rise to a prominent man
A sun shall shine yet the man shall be of night
From that day on the green men from lands unseen
and unheard of
the green men will rise oncemore in holy doctrines
for all who wish to know and to see,
to see and know

Allah Akbar

didn't you know? :bugeye:
I actually do know but his relevance to me is about the same as that of the current French president.
Just one more politician in another country...:rolleyes:
I actually do know but his relevance to me is about the same as that of the current French president.
Just one more politician in another country...:rolleyes:

he is not just a politician...he has been sent to us from above.

planet of Zeta-Epsilon-Mega-Echalon


it orbits Earth once every 1,352,008 years...and this year it orbited it so that the messenger has come to this planet, to give us the news...

Obama is sent from above...the messenger of faith beyond scope and reasoning that logic crumbles underneath the words of holiness.