Originally posted by Avatar
termonuclear war means end for all. there is no winner in tht kind of war. Internet would still exist. US government made it primary as a communication network to use after a nuclear war.
I think you need to re-evaluate your understanding of the interdependencies of “The Internet.” Computer equipment is particularly vulnerable to electromagnetic pulse effects. It is basically built with high-density metal oxide semiconductors, which are very sensitive to exposure to high voltage transients. Systems can sustain permanent damage with very little energy. Any voltage typically in excess of tens of Volts can cause gate breakdown, which effectively destroys the device. Protecting the Internet as a primary source of communication would require that
all servers and related cables and devices be hardened against electromagnetic pulses, by something like Faraday cages, for example.
Electro-magnetic pulses need not be caused by nuclear weapons, actually. Potential “E-weapons” like the Flux Compression Generator (FCG) have been around since the late fifties, and might be the most matured technology today. A powerful FCG device might generate energy to the tune of greater than mega joules in 100th of microsecond and produce peak power level exceeding tens of mega-amperes.
Mobile and camouflaged targets like air defense radars, missile complexes, mobile troops, naval vessels over the high seas are good examples of the target system that can be attacked. Locating such targets could be carried out through the use of Electronic Support Measures and Emitter Locating Systems. Once located, the slow moving targets could be attacked easily because they could not get away easily from the footprint of the bomb.
We are more vulnerable than we like to think.