
Registered Member
First off, I just registered here so...hi all.

Anyway, I slowly developed the ability to have lucid dreams at will throughout my teenage years (without even trying or even knowing lucid dreaming existed) and am now at the point where i'm trying my hand at WILDs (Wake Induced Lucid Dreams) but am finding it extremely difficult to do so. When I did actually achieve lucidity this way it lasted a few minutes at most before I awakened. I was wondering if anyone had experience with this and had some advice/pointers.
psychotropic drugs are a must for the beginner but the masters say after a wile you wont need them anymore.

Lucid dreams are so last week, you should try lurid dreams.
So what exactly are we talking about here, because it sounds like zoning out or day dreaming. My advice to you would be to fast for a few hours beforehand, sit quietly and perhaps listen to some droning repetitive noise.
WILDs (Wake Induced Lucid Dreams) but am finding it extremely difficult to do so. When I did actually achieve lucidity this way it lasted a few minutes at most before I awakened.

..... This sounds interesting and all but... You had a "WILD" for a second before you AWAKENED...? Plz can you elaborate on this, for me. Do you walk around in the day and poof your in a WILD while your walking in the streets... and maybe ... poof you can be SOTS(splat on the streets)
not to criticize but im curious. What would you call the scenario for this?
hehe, this is interesting, a good post!
Walking on the streets would be like a loony trying to find his dog.
It aint easy but u need to put lots of urself in it. Me myself used to imagine walking on water and i could see clearly the water instead of asfalt but it got boring few days later.
I like seeing airplanes and rockets while swimming on the sea, i see anything i imagine but now im not into it 2 much as i use it only for good stuff like on work or creativity, lots of things u can find here but it all gets boring so i use it for normal life like talking to someone and in that time also seeing of what im talking about. Nice stuff in what u can get urself in!
hello hehe..
That sounds like just using visualization instead of dreaming to me. In my view dreams come from "outside", this is more subjective, creating what your mind wants to imagine, but imaginations and visions, theres a thin line so it can be a mixture at times, probably depends on how quiet your mind is, to "let" them come on their own.
What you were doing is a good exercise non the less to help you visualization creativity, and prepare. I read more than once, that visualizing your somewhere and totally put urself there thru ur imagination is a good stepping stone to helping becoming a lucid dreamer or astral projecting. Like making a doorway in your imagination you can step thru.
I have a strong creating imagination but, I myself have never done anything like to astral or lucid dream by creating a scene I step into... well maybe I do but its not that elaborate...Usually before I go to sleep at night to help me in my dreams, I step into blackness, not like closing ur eyes and theres a black wall infront of you, but like im in a dark room and stay silent taking my awareness into it..it takes a while but the trick is trying to stay awake and keep an open mind. Most of the time I am able but I fall asleep...and what I mean by asleep is that I didnt "remember" what happend during the experience like new dreamers how they usually forget or theres missing patches cuz their not totally lucid.
Like I sit meditating without focusing on anything or such and I could of swore I didnt fall asleep or anything, but an hour or so passed in what seemed like 10 mins of time. Yet I could of snapped out of the trance to an unanticipated sound in a heart beat.
I don't know if this is the same, maybe someone could shed some light.

During the day, if I am tired and sitting at my desk or someplace where nothing stimulating is happening, I can drift off extremely quickly and begin dreaming. This happens within seconds sometimes, usually no more than 10 or 15, and I am dreaming. They are very clear dreams. Within several seconds of dreaming, I realize in my dream that I am asleep and dreaming, which forces me awake. This is particularly useful in really boring meetings and training.

Any thoughts on this? Why? Ways to manipulate in better situations and to control it?