Wiki-Leaks is a false flag

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Wiki-Leaks is another false flag

1. It doesn't leak any important secret of dirty insiders of US government. It may triviously hurt State Departmenbt but leaves Pentagon alone.

2. It provokes Iran and other Arab countries. (News that Saudi king asking US to attack Iran)

3. This time the likely purpose is to justify war on Iran.

Quote, "
WikiLeaks: Iran 'obtains North Korea missiles which can strike Europe'
Iran has obtained ballistic missiles from North Korea that could be used to strike Western Europe, the leaked files suggest.
By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent 29 Nov 2010 "
Wiki-Leaks is another false flag

1. It doesn't leak any important secret of dirty insiders of US government. It may triviously hurt State Departmenbt but leaves Pentagon alone.
The US government has not been in such a freak-out since the Pentagon Papers. In fact, this freak-out far exceeds the amount of thuggish death-threats against a publisher that ever existed before. Senators and a celebrity Presidential hopeful are openly calling for the assassination of Julian Assange. There is no precedent for this in US history.

Military and State department communiques divulged to citizens categorically contradict what the US government is reporting to the public that it is accountable to, pertaining to the mission and progress in the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula.

More is to come, and so far this information severely undermines the stated and understated agendas of the powers that be in the USA and worldwide.

2. It provokes Iran and other Arab countries. (News that Saudi king asking US to attack Iran)

It was never a secret that the Sa'ud mafia fears Shi'a ascendancy, and fears Iranian support and encouragement to the Shi'a of the region.

3. This time the likely purpose is to justify war on Iran.

There is much information within the WikiLeaks that exhibits Israeli and US agitation for war against Iran (well-known around the world outside of major US and Israeli media) in spite of the reality that (much like the run-up to the murder of Iraq) the evidence against Iran is so overcooked it can pass no objective sniff-test.
So far only .5% has been leaked. Let's wait for the another 99% before judging....
From Arthur Silber,

Many examples make up the lesson, and the trail of murder and suffering crosses the globe, from the Philippines, to Southeast Asia, to Africa, to Central and South America, to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan today, to Iran tomorrow. The United States seeks global hegemony. To justify its quest, the United States invents a series of terrifying threats, all of which, in one way or another, are alleged to be "existential" threats to our very survival. With almost no exceptions at all, the leaders of the American Empire concoct these threats out of nothing.


Consider the fact with great care. With this momentous and endlessly horrifying fact in the forefront of your consciousness, ask yourself: What does it signify that those who seek still further war and conquest will use the Wikileaks material to provide more supposed justification for their murderous actions? To ask the question, to ask it with the nature and history of American Empire in mind, is to see how completely irrelevant it is when evaluating Wikileaks and its work.

Of course they'll use the Wikileaks material to justify their policies. That's what they do. They do it with everything -- and they do it with absolutely nothing. I repeat: That is what they do.

If you want to avoid their using the Wikileaks material, or anything else, to justify their policies, there is one course you can follow, and only one. Henceforth, you can say nothing whatsoever. But if you choose to resist the profound evil committed by the U.S. government, evil which it continues to commit today and will commit again tomorrow, you must reject that course.

To drive the point home, let me express it another way. As demonstrated repeatedly by the historical record and by events today, the leaders of American Empire use everything and even nothing to justify their actions and policies. In this sense, the leaders of American Empire are profoundly irrational and endlessly, murderously destructive. Their arguments are self-contradictory, massively inconsistent, and frequently incoherent. Yet today's leaders of American Empire also possess the most frighteningly powerful weaponry and military in all of history. From this perspective, the Empire has all the power.

In comparative terms (and even in absolute terms), Wikileaks has no capabilities or powers at all -- except for one. And that is the ability to make information available to everyone, information which the otherwise all-powerful leaders of Empire seek to keep secret from those they rule, and from those they seek to subjugate in the future. In this context, and especially when we keep in mind the gaping abyss between the powers of Empire and the single power of Wikileaks, to blame Wikileaks (or anyone similarly situated) for the improper use of the material they release is to blame Wikileaks for someone else's irrationality and immense destructiveness. It is to blame Wikileaks for actions over which Wikileaks has no control whatsoever.

Does that make any sense at all? No, it doesn't.
You mean items like this?

WikiLeaks cables expose Pakistan nuclear fears
US and UK diplomats warn of terrorists getting hold of fissile material and of Pakistan-India nuclear exchange:

American and British diplomats fear Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme could lead to fissile material falling into the hands of terrorists or a devastating nuclear exchange with India.

The latest cache of US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks contains warnings that Pakistan is rapidly building its nuclear stockpile despite the country's growing instability and "pending economic catastrophe".

Mariot Leslie, a senior British Foreign Office official, told US diplomats in September 2009: "The UK has deep concerns about the safety and security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons," according to one cable classified "secret/noforn [no foreign nationals]".

Seven months earlier the US ambassador to Islamabad, Anne Patterson, cabled to Washington: "Our major concern is not having an Islamic militant steal an entire weapon but rather the chance someone working in government of Pakistan facilities could gradually smuggle enough material out to eventually make a weapon."
What irritates me more than anything... is that our "security" is so pathetic that this asshole can GET the information in the first place...

I mean... hell... what are they doing? Transmitting it unencrypted via an open wireless network? Seriously...
The true face of Wikileaks
Quote, “
Interview With Gordon Duff: Wikileaks Debunked

see video:


A number of commentators, particularly in Turkey and Russia, have been wondering why the hundreds of thousands of American classified documents leaked by the website last month did not contain anything that may embarrass the Israeli government, like just about every other state referred to in the documents. The answer appears to be a secret deal struck between the WikiLeaks “heart and soul”, as Assange humbly described himself once [1], with Israeli officials, which ensured that all such documents were ‘removed’ before the rest were made public.

YouTube -
Assange: Master of Truth 'Annoyed' by 9/11 Truthers?
Wiki-Leaks is another false flag

I agree.

Alex Jones, Google, and Wikipedia are also obvious false government fronts. They are all pushers of disinformation, to lead people away from the truth.

World War 3 or some form of global chaos is coming very soon(intentionally orchestrated).

Natural catastrophic earth changes will soon follow(will be blamed on the sins of man).
I think kathaksung is a false flag operation intended to undermine the perceived reliability of the actual secrets Wikileaks has published.
Your argument is a false flag designed to destroy the credibility of kathaksung.
Since I am not allowed to post url links, you may google it if you want the original source.

Quote, "Julian Assange wined and dined at US Embassy
Julian Assange was a guest at a US Embassy cocktail party less than a year ago.

To the United States, Julian Assange may now be Public Enemy Number One. Some American politicians have even called for his execution.

But less than a year ago, the founder of WikiLeaks was officially entertained at a US Embassy cocktail party by one of the very diplomats whose secrets he would soon spill to the world.

At the reception, held at the US ambassador's residence in Reykjavik, Iceland, Mr Assange chatted with Sam Watson, the embassy's deputy chief of mission. "
I'm flagging after reading your posts. That definitely means something.
false flag: another conspiracy theorist catch-phrase.

Ding ding ding...we have a winner. We would have also accepted "disinfo", "coinprotel" or "psy-op"....or can just blame HAARP.
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