Wierd Bible Trivia


I am what I am
Registered Senior Member
Did you know that on the bottom
of IN-N-OUT Burger drink cups and
in the corner of the burger wrappers
there are references to verses in
the bible?

This is what is printed on the bottom
of the cup:

JOHN 3:16

This is what is printed in the bottom
corner of the burger wrapper:

Forever 21 (for those of you who are not hip, trendy young women - we're on i-inet ;) - is a clothing store for teens. Very nice prices.) has the same thing on their shopping bags.

John 3:16 refers to salvation, promising it through Christ, if memory serves.

Rev 3:20:

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
Subtle mind-control attempts by the owners of the place, I suspect. I'd best get my tin-foil hat so they can't read my brain and see the part of my memory where I urinated on a church when I was pissed out of my mind.