

Registered Senior Member
why is it when a muslim a\woman covers her head, she is an extremist?
why is it that when a nun covers hereself from top to bottom, she is embraced?
why is it that when muslim man has a beard, he is a terroist?
why is it that when a jew keeps a beard, he is practising his religion?
why is it that despite all such hardships, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?
evolution said:
why is it when a muslim a\woman covers her head, she is an extremist?
She is?

why is it that when a nun covers hereself from top to bottom, she is embraced?
Is she?

why is it that when muslim man has a beard, he is a terroist?
Is he?

why is it that when a jew keeps a beard, he is practising his religion?

why is it that despite all such hardships, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?
Because the world consists largely of ordinary people who, given the basic daily struggle just to stay alive, don't have the time or inclination to question a doctrine that promises far more than this earthly existence can offer.

But ultimately it's because monkeys throw shit at each other.

superluminal said:
She is?

Is she?

Is he?


Because the world consists largely of ordinary people who, given the basic daily struggle just to stay alive, don't have the time or inclination to question a doctrine that promises far more than this earthly existence can offer.

But ultimately it's because monkeys throw shit at each other.


M*W: Then why is it when I cover my hair, I feel empowered and directed? I'm not a Muslim, but I promote hair covering! I don't cover my hair like a Muslim woman, I cover my hair like a slave of sorts. I like my hair covered. It feels comfortable to me. It feels natural to me. Why is this wrong?
evolution said:
why is it when a muslim a\woman covers her head, she is an extremist?
why is it that when a nun covers hereself from top to bottom, she is embraced?
why is it that when muslim man has a beard, he is a terroist?
why is it that when a jew keeps a beard, he is practising his religion?
why is it that despite all such hardships, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?

The Catholic Church used to say that "The Church grows from the blood of Martyrs". This is perhaps true of Islam now.

Then there is another saying that may apply: "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend". Well, Zionism and America have been everything in their power, economically and militarially to make themselves the most hated enemies in the World, and it has been Fundamentalist Islam that has stood most visibly against them. It used to be Socialism and Communism, and in many of the same areas. But now it is Fundamentalist Islam that is willing to embrace all of the young unemployed men, and give them purpose in life that they would ordinarily find in their Work.

You would think that American Capitalism would arrive at the easy insight that most people on the World could be bought off, and bought off relatively cheaply. Jobs. All it would take is Jobs. But Capitalism is incredably short-sighted and is willing to lose a billion dollars in a year to save a dime in the next quarter -- they never see further ahead than the next quarterly statement. so it is this mentality that sees 50% and 60% Unemployment in these Islamic Countries as 'saving them money' -- they have already been "downsized" and so their job is done.

As for all of the Appearance Issues. You are talking about the Enemies Uniform. People are drawn to Social Uniforms. Hippies used to wear blue jeans and wore their hair long and matted. Motor Bikers wear black leather and old nazi helmets. And people who will bomb Zionist and American Interests around the world will wear turbons and keep long untrimmed beards. It is really no mystery. People like to feel as though they belong, and when they do, they do everything they can to look that way. "Birds of a Feather".

This is why it was SO ridiculous for America to make an Enemy out of Saddam Hussein. The man wore a BUSINESS SUITE, as though he were working for IBM or General Motors. He WANTED to be a Good Western Capitalist. And was it really asking so much to have let him keep Kuwait -- a Land of petty Kings who still dressed distainfully like beduion camel herders from 200 years ago. Now, the people in line to replace Saddam Hussein -- they dress in Turbons and keep untrimmed long beards. We deposed a "Friend" and have substituted "Enemies", at least as far as the 'uniforms' go.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Then why is it when I cover my hair, I feel empowered and directed? I'm not a Muslim, but I promote hair covering! I don't cover my hair like a Muslim woman, I cover my hair like a slave of sorts. I like my hair covered. It feels comfortable to me. It feels natural to me. Why is this wrong?
Wrong? It's perfectly natural! Especially when you consider the protective effects of hair-covering with respect to shit-throwing monkeys.
evolution said:
why is it when a muslim a\woman covers her head, she is an extremist?
why is it that when a nun covers hereself from top to bottom, she is embraced?

The same people who mock the islamic woman also mock the nun. There is not difference between the two.

why is it that when muslim man has a beard, he is a terroist?
why is it that when a jew keeps a beard, he is practising his religion?

Once again the same people who are offended by an islamic beard are also offended by a Jewish beard.

why is it that despite all such hardships, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?

Because islamic people are having more Childeren and are aggressively persecuting other faiths within countries where they form the majority. They are also aggressively fighting non- muslims in nations where they are a sizable portion of the population.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
evolution said:
why is it when a muslim a\woman covers her head, she is an extremist?

Because she's muslim. Muslims are known to be extremists.

why is it that when muslim man has a beard, he is a terroist?

Because he's muslim. Muslims are known to be terrorists.

why is it that despite all such hardships, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?

Because people are idiots. Idiots do stupid things, especially stupid savages living in third world countries.
Leo Volont said:
The Catholic Church used to say that "The Church grows from the blood of Martyrs". This is perhaps true of Islam now.

Then there is another saying that may apply: "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend". Well, Zionism and America have been everything in their power, economically and militarially to make themselves the most hated enemies in the World, and it has been Fundamentalist Islam that has stood most visibly against them. It used to be Socialism and Communism, and in many of the same areas. But now it is Fundamentalist Islam that is willing to embrace all of the young unemployed men, and give them purpose in life that they would ordinarily find in their Work.

You would think that American Capitalism would arrive at the easy insight that most people on the World could be bought off, and bought off relatively cheaply. Jobs. All it would take is Jobs. But Capitalism is incredably short-sighted and is willing to lose a billion dollars in a year to save a dime in the next quarter -- they never see further ahead than the next quarterly statement. so it is this mentality that sees 50% and 60% Unemployment in these Islamic Countries as 'saving them money' -- they have already been "downsized" and so their job is done.

As for all of the Appearance Issues. You are talking about the Enemies Uniform. People are drawn to Social Uniforms. Hippies used to wear blue jeans and wore their hair long and matted. Motor Bikers wear black leather and old nazi helmets. And people who will bomb Zionist and American Interests around the world will wear turbons and keep long untrimmed beards. It is really no mystery. People like to feel as though they belong, and when they do, they do everything they can to look that way. "Birds of a Feather".

This is why it was SO ridiculous for America to make an Enemy out of Saddam Hussein. The man wore a BUSINESS SUITE, as though he were working for IBM or General Motors. He WANTED to be a Good Western Capitalist. And was it really asking so much to have let him keep Kuwait -- a Land of petty Kings who still dressed distainfully like beduion camel herders from 200 years ago. Now, the people in line to replace Saddam Hussein -- they dress in Turbons and keep untrimmed long beards. We deposed a "Friend" and have substituted "Enemies", at least as far as the 'uniforms' go.

Before I read this I was ready for some good ol' crackpot entertainment and lo' and behold I found an insightful and well reasoned post. Turning a new leaf there Leo?
Crunchy Cat said:
Before I read this I was ready for some good ol' crackpot entertainment and lo' and behold I found an insightful and well reasoned post. Turning a new leaf there Leo?
Yes indeed. Very nicely done Leo.
those whens are not meaningless,

i could elaborate on each one of them, if you'd like, but i know you guys can figure it out yourself
Plunkies said:
Because people are idiots. Idiots do stupid things, especially stupid savages living in third world countries.

Actually I am more concerned about the idiots living in first world countries .....
evolution said:
why is it when a muslim a\woman covers her head, she is an extremist?
Well, that isn't the general view here in Sweden...wasn't the general view that she were oppressed when having covered her head??

why is it that when a nun covers hereself from top to bottom, she is embraced?
What has that to do with the muslim alternative, it just shows the differences in culture.

why is it that when muslim man has a beard, he is a terroist?
Because the media has shown so many terrorists with beards (Usama bin Ladin became a "icon" and his beard is one of the strong characteristics of him).
why is it that when a jew keeps a beard, he is practising his religion?
Because when media shows jews with beards, they are often practising their religion.
why is it that despite all such hardships, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?
I don't know.

Why is it that we let the media tell us what we should think? (and why are they so stubborn at creating icons???? why????)

The media has the role that the wise men had before. The difference is that the wise men were wise.
Well Leo your post was a welcomed change, however:

You would think that American Capitalism would arrive at the easy insight that most people on the World could be bought off, and bought off relatively cheaply.

it's not American Capitalism, if you knew anything about "capitalism" at all, you'd know that America does not adhere to capitalism but more to the "imperialist ideals", this is not a free capitalist society Leo, we are a mixed economy of which it's been predicted by Ayn Rand that it would lead to imperialism and indeed it has!


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why is it when a muslim a\woman covers her head, she is an extremist?

Is that supposed to be the common feeling? Personally I don't feel that way, but more feel that they are clearly being treated worse than dogs. Why should a woman have to cover her face?

why is it that when a nun covers hereself from top to bottom, she is embraced?

I pity them too. Why spend an entire life never experiencing sex for the sake of an invisible sky being that gave you a vagina for a reason?

why is it that when muslim man has a beard, he is a terroist?

I don't think it matters whether they have a beard or not, they're probably still a terrorist.

However, on a serious note..

When religious people have beards, (usually a hell of a lot longer than a typical male beard), it generally points at them being devoutly religious, (which is borderline fanatical). It's a very fine line.

why is it that when a jew keeps a beard, he is practising his religion?

Perhaps it's all to do with the fact that in recent times suicide bombers and terrorist attacks have been performed by bearded muslim men instead of bearded jews. In the meantime bearded jews just tend to wear weird things on their head and wobble a lot.

why is it that despite all such hardships, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world?

I'm sure you have data to support the claim. I eagerly await it.

Aside from that it can be shown that the poorer and less educated nations have more children, and more religiosity which equals a lot more muslims.