

Many times I find myself wondering why we have so many different battles and wars going on in the world. If we are all intelligent beings, Why can't we stop and realize that all it is doing is killing. This foolish violence is a circle of attack - retaliate. Holy War!, I beg to differ. I do not want to meet the god that thinks killing is justifiable. My God states killing is a sin.

The eye for an eye theory will never be proven to be effective in deterrance or preventiveness. It is simply to punish. Once punished, you are responsible for teaching them how to punish and they will take this lesson with them throughout their lives.

In a worldwide perspective, this senseless killing takes the lives of children and adults who have not yet had a chance to live nor want to have anything to do with this issues that governments deceide are worth killing for.

I can see the basis for a defense. However, there is no defense if an offenssive has already been carried out. It is a retaliation. The only defense is never to initiate an offense.

Enough - Practice and preach peace. Be be the better person. Do not feel like you are being walked on, if you are living a life as such you will be looked upon with a higher regard in the long run.

I am not going to church today. However, I am going to pass along peace and kindness to everyone I encounter. Please try to do the same today and in the future.

Thank you.
The answer is so far dismissed by millions of direct and indirect participants in today's ritual mass murders as oversimplistic idealism, or just tired rhetoric, because always and ever, it's blowin' in the wind.
Discrepancy & Gaining must be the basis to trigger an event; the other side perceives the discrepancy with no gaining so events must take place to till the balance. As soon as one side dictates an eye for an eye the other agrees to it too and so we have a bunch of blind idiots asking each other why?

Discrepancy & Gaining are natural. Having no discrepancy and no gaining involves a cost (not always and not necessarily material means), many are not willing to pay that cost and endeavors to the opposite not knowing that the costs are going to be infinite.