Why You Shouldn't Donate to the Salvation Army Bell Ringers

As far as I can tell, no, their position is the same. Last year they even refused to hand out Harry Potter toys!
A Salvation Army says it has no position against Harry Potter and Twilight, even though a command in Canada is refusing to distribute toys branded with the series or any other wizards, vampires or werewolves...

..The Salvation Army has no policy against distributing Harry Potter or similar toys and, in fact, these types of toys are donated and distributed in some areas. Decisions about what to distribute are made at the local level, often in consultation with parents of recipients and based on years of feedback.

One command does something and for some reason it applies to all posts.:shrug:
Nothing about a Christian army sounds disturbing to you? One which actively opposes equal rights?
Nothing about a Christian army sounds disturbing to you?


Anyone who thinks this is the activities of a paramilitary unit is quite clearly delusional.

Interpreting this as hate lyrics to incite violence would outshine Manson's views on "helter skelter"

One that is armed with One which actively opposes equal rights?
Still waiting for the extraordinary evidence to support this extraordinary claim.

So far the only evidence we have of individuals exhibiting extreme levels of intolerance and discrimination is yourself

My guess it has something to do with this : To what degree does the influence of Christmas make an atheist grumpy?
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