Why would NASA do that?


Registered Senior Member
........a while back i did a page on NASA and the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act). the information was relating to the "Documents Released under FIOA" and this was on NASAs own web site where in the Reading Room we found documents that really caught the eye:

"UFO Sightings by Apollo 8, 11, 12; Mercury Capsule; Mercury 7, 8, 9; Gemini Capsule; Gemini 4, 7, 8, 11, 12"

"UFO related documents NASA has declassified within the last 5 years"

"Documents concerning the"Missing Day in Time"

"Info on UFOs and Mars monuments"

"Information regarding U.F.O, Flying Objects, Unidentified Flying Objects, Aliens, Space Aliens, Flying Saucers, reports of such items, photos of such items, and anything else pertaining to these subjects and the U.F.O. phenomenon"

"Fact Sheet on UFO"

"Information about unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and any claims made by people who say they were abducted by extraterrestrial"

"Information on sighting of possible alien craft - Fact Sheet on UFO"

all of these plus more WERE on NASA.gov, and WERE under the title of "Documents Released under FIOA"..........well after several months of requesting for these documents we have received NOTHING, and today i went back to NASA.gov to look at the Reading Room and all those links, pages and files are no longer on that site.

why would NASA remove the pages that relate to documents that were Released under FIOA........it seems that FOIA means nothing to NASA and now those pages and log numbers have gone.

BUT not from our site please check out this link for the information we have and also the pages that were on the NASA site.......oh yes we did take "grabs" as we knew it would not be long before NASA would make out that these pages did not exist and that is what they have done.

its a shame as i was really hoping that NASA would let us read all about the UFOs seen on "Apollo 8, 11, 12; Mercury Capsule; Mercury 7, 8, 9; Gemini Capsule; Gemini 4, 7, 8, 11, 12"


-forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't it a fact that the NASA charter stops NASA from devulging any information that might "change societal and moral" views, if discovered from space missions?



Came across a web page some 6 months ago. It dealed with the criticisms of the Apollo 11-15 projects.

I was about 6 yrs. old, when Neil Armstrong allegedly took his first step for mankind!

I can still remember my poor old pappy tellin me to sit my dumb, young ass down to watch it! "That I was seeing Great History in the making".

And I vaguely remember the original viewing of this, and especially all the later replays over the decades since.

Never have I had reason to disbelieve what I first saw in July "69, until the past of summer of 2000! But being that I am a much more grouchy, older, and generally critical bastard now, I do have a few questions for NASA.

Now don't get me wrong people! Aeronautical Engineering has always been my first & only True Love. Though I continue today as a novice, I am well aware of the extreme level of engineering required to put up an 80 ton piece of machinery up into Earth orbit or beyond!

Even the technology of a Old German gasoline Pulse Jet is quite beautiful to me, though it was used as the V-1 rocket against the British in WWII!

Or the extreme elegance of the US AIRFORCE XB-70 (protoypes 10001&10002), supersonic bomber aircraft!

Even as I witness every few months, the Space Shuttles, Columbia thru Endeavor, as they blast off toward the various space missions!

I remember responding to the writer of a page, who called into question the reality of Apollo 11-15. As I have said before, I found it around 6 months ago.

At first it was a laugh to me! I remember sending the author of this webpage a "point of view". I asked him to get the heck(hell) away from his computer and go on a Road Trip! It was my belief that he had not really seen the incredibly awesome engineering acheivements of mankind. I recall telling him to buy some old $500.00 pickup & work odd jobs as he traveled around the USA. And that he should take pictures and record his experiences. That he should take a damn good look at the HOOVER DAM, ECT.... I gave him several examples of human engineering to look at before he should doubt that Scientific Men could really put astronauts on the Moon. <b>Suffice to me, it seemed so ridiculous that ANY DUMMY COULD DOUBT APOLLO! But left my mind open, his questions did.</b><i> Somewhat.</i>

Afew days to a week ago, I saw a special on Fox Network, which was an almost exact set of doubts as I had read some 6 months ago.

Normally I view such things for "Entertainment Purposes Only", points of view. And I would have continued to rest in my secure belief in the old Apollo Project except for the following:

Briefly, that those responding for Nasa were either not allowed to refute the claims of the conspiracy theorists, or that those responding for Nasa were unwilling to to refute the claims of the above named critics!

From what I gathered, those that refuted (Pro NASA), seemed to do the characteristic human display of (I am a Professional)and (you are too dumb to understand)!

Now I realize the difficulty of explaining complex ideas of science to any audience, much less a group who either has an extremely short attention span, or to a ratings based program, which is going to allow a Scientists only a short "Sound bite"!

But I gotta tell ya Malicious, I was drawn to wonder about the critical claim of the doubters of NASA that electromagnetic radiation levels were extremely high during Apollo11. Futher that the metal, lead, is required in great thickness' so as to absorb Radiation so as to protect living organisms from the effects of high frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Obviously lead is not something that the Saturn V would have hauled up in great quantities in 1969.

Obviously a lead lining on the Lunar Excursion Module or on the Command Module would have decreased the payload of even the Mighty Saturn V!

It also seems very unlikely that a lead lining would have been incorporated into the "space suits" of Neil & Buzz during their time on the moon. In fact I remember from a couple of decades back, seeing the composition of a spacesuit, and I don't recall anything about an EM absorbtion layer incorporated into the suits.


I expect that my past faith in NASA is well placed. But I am always willing to look at the other side of the coin! In other words, I never have subscibed to follow blindly someone (or some entity), just because everyone else says it is! The day that I stop questioning (even Nasa), is the day I'll probably shave my head and join a religious cult which enjoys Cyanide Kool-aid!

<I>"keep on truckin dude, you add stability to an inherently unstable branch of Science!!!"</i>
