why wont the world leave me ALONE


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
I am sure star will understand this one

i love the work i am doing at the restrant
i love TI

BUT right now i want to crawl into a corner and hide from the world

My new boss rostered me on for Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed
ALL 12- 12 shifts

i had to lie to get time off today to see TI

it seems EVERYBODY just wants to use me

it feels like i am moving as fast as i can but the world is going twice the speed and no one will let me THINK
I do not know the reason the world will not cease bothering you, but as for a solution....

Withdraw from it. Go to a local woods (or desert, whatever type of environment is around your area) where people don't venture. You'll be able to find peace there as nobody will be able to mess with you.
Originally posted by Asguard
I am sure star will understand this one

i love the work i am doing at the restrant
i love TI

BUT right now i want to crawl into a corner and hide from the world

My new boss rostered me on for Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed
ALL 12- 12 shifts

i had to lie to get time off today to see TI

it seems EVERYBODY just wants to use me

it feels like i am moving as fast as i can but the world is going twice the speed and no one will let me THINK

Ahh seems like things are going at quite a fast pace for you. That sucks, and I hate it when that heppens to me. I just focus on the time I have to myself, and make th most out of it by making sure you do what you want to!
i don't fish and i can't just leave as much as i want to

everyone would hate me if i just quit everything but i wish they would all LEAVE ME ALONE
So let them hate you if they are so petty. Take some time off for yourself, you clearly need it. If they don't respect that, then why should you bother with what they think of you anyway?
because i NEED the aprentichip badly and am at the moment doing a trial for it
Yoda's an apprentice? I'm shocked!:D (soup nazi voice)"No dark side for you!):cool: But, yeah, I know what you mean. The world is way too busy to do everything you need or want. The world just sucks.:(
I am sure star will understand this one

But of course I understand you. I always do. I would try to get up a little early everyday (since you cant just leave and go to the desert or woods) and meditate for a while. Try stretching and breathing exercises. I know it seems girlie - but it really makes you mellow out. That.... or blaze a fatty:D If you get a chance, go to the beach - BY YOURSELF! Just sit there - listening to the waves - for a few hours. You'll feel alot better. And try not to take things so personal. Remeber that IM conversation we had last week? Just think of all the things I said then. Let me know how your doing. Cheer up, your in my thoughts.:)

Take care:)
I think I understand this one also.

I have passed out suggestions before on finding a way to relieve stress. Viewpoint of the observer is key here, that and your feelings. The world, as a whole is impersonal. If you feel the pressures then find that you like that is refuge from it. That which is truely what you enjoy and allows you to forget the world exists. There is no bus stop that you can get off at and walk away from the world. So you must find that which allows you to cope with it.

I have worked 12 hour days on a regular basis, I know what that is like. Add some overtime and there is precious little left of the day. Still I enjoy music so every so often I crank up some jams and chill. Even in the middle of work there are ways to find that isolation that is needed. To find it you must be creative. Always there are ways...
Got to the top floor of the nearest skyscraper. Start shooting at people, with a high powered rifle. The cops will eventually come & take you away. While your in prison, cause lots of trouble. You will then be put into solitary confinement. Believe me. NO-ONE will bother you for awhile.

Get your priorities straight. If your definition of being used means making money, then you are not being used. Instead, bathe in the glory of being wanted. You will never wish to see the day when you're not wanted. And that day will come.

In other words, quit whining. ;)
The world, as a whole is impersonal. If you feel the pressures then find that you like that is refuge from it. That which is truely what you enjoy and allows you to forget the world exists.

I like that even better than my advise:)


I know EXACTLY what you are going through, the same thing is happening to me now. Thank God one of my issues is school and that I have summer, I'm just going to tune out from the world for a while, not talk to anyone. However, the best advice I can give you is that no matter how hard or horrible it seems, stick with whatever work you have to do that will leave you happy in the future. Don't quit on something if you know it will effect the rest of your life in a negative way, even if it is hard to take.
get a vacation.

i was in a car accident saturday, and now i have a week of work to spend at the beach.

just go hurt yourself.. well... not for real.. but.. fake a pulled musle, and get a dr.'s not saying you cant lift anything, and need to give your arm/leg/whatever, rest before returning to work, because any strain, could give your sprain a turn for the worst.:D
Originally posted by nightfall
get a vacation.

i was in a car accident saturday, and now i have a week of work to spend at the beach.

just go hurt yourself.. well... not for real.. but.. fake a pulled musle, and get a dr.'s not saying you cant lift anything, and need to give your arm/leg/whatever, rest before returning to work, because any strain, could give your sprain a turn for the worst.:D

Yeah... and then the rest of us have to work harder to cover for you. Been there, had to deal with that, hate people that do it.
My happiest moments occur roughly four days a week, when I wake up in the morning and remember that I've absolutely nothing to do for the entire day. On those mornings I usually leap out of bed and set to play in earnest. At the end of my day I fall in bed exhuasted from my day spent doing "nothing."

Some years ago, I realized that the longer my "to-do" list grew, the less I actually got done. Now that I understand that I don't live-to-work, I seem to have time for nearly everything.

Time does not equal money. When you buy something, you are exchanging a piece of your life for that thing. My advice is to accumulate possessions as though you were going on a trip to Europe. That is, make a list of everything you think you will absolutely need, and then cross-out at least half of those things. We never own material things, they own us. If you must collect something, let it be happy memories and good ideas. They generally cost little and tarnish less with age.

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i told my boss i need time off to go see the shrink next thursday

his responce was "you don't have a heart condition or something"
i said "no i am going to see her about suicidle depression"
he said "oh good atleast your not going to die on me"
i said "except for the fact that im SIUICIDLE"
he says "oh that dosn't matter, everyones a bit suicidle in the kichen"

i work for the most heartless BASTED on the planet