Why we're here

You Killed Jesus

Registered Senior Member
(Please note: This is only ASSUMING there is a higher being. It would do you good to break out your dictionaries and look up the word "hypothetical")

For centuries, theologians have tackled the subject "why did god put us here?" only to end up empty-handed. But I have figured it out. I have mastered this conundrum, and the message will kick your ass in it's rightness. It can be summed up in one word:


Since god is known to express human emotions, (and not to mention he created man in his own image) he obviously gets bored. So to appease this boredom, he created humanity. But it simply wasn't enough to have a race of cheerleaders & servants. Even though it proved entertaining to kill & maim unbeleivers in the shape of bears, viruses, and whatnot, it wasn't enough. He went and created a bunch of different religions that all say they're right, as well as making it human nature to be generally disagreeable with different tribes/nations. He wanted to see some bitchin' fights. See god's ordering of the destruction of the canaanites for an example.

God is a jerk.
You're right. We are here for God's entertainment. Other proof?

Men and women have their sexual peak 15 fricken' years apart!!! How much of a joke is that? Just picture God sitting there; "Hmmmm, would else could be funny??? Oh, I know! How about I let men be horny out of their mind when they're still at home with their parents and women 15 years later!!"
Training. We are here in the world for some training. Religious training. Or I may say, conscientious training. Whether you like it or not, you're trained to be delightful or sorrowful. You are here to notice life or to neglect it. You are here to experience a thing or to ignore it. You're here on earth because of a purpose: whether you give terror to others or you convert others to be peaceful and free from human fear. You cannot neutralize yourself by ignoring someone's behavior or misbehavior. Whether you like it or not, you are living here on earth as for now that you have a breath in your nostrils.
Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? Isaiah 2:22
*You Killed Jesus*:"For centuries, theologians have tackled the subject "why did god put us here?" only to end up empty-handed."


This actually isn't true. Many reasons for our reason for being here have been presented. Why, for example, Catholocism, and its theologians, teach that our purpose in life is to "Know, Love and Serve God, that we may be with Him and happy in this life and the next." This is similar to what Aristotle, not a theologian but a philosopher, said that: Our final ultimate end is perfect happiness.