Why were 80 Ahmadi Muslims killed in Pakistan?


Valued Senior Member
Pakistan mosque attacks in Lahore kill scores
Gunmen have launched simultaneous raids on two mosques of the minority Ahmadi Islamic sect in Lahore, killing more than 80 people, Pakistani police say. The attackers fired guns and threw grenades at worshippers during Friday prayers. Three militants later blew themselves up with suicide vests.

Take the idea of heavenly reward and justifiable murder and combine them with these very very intolerant memes:

- Only One True God
- Only One True Book
- Only One True Prophet/Messiah
- Good Muslims/Christians/Jews
- The Infidel/Heretic/Goy/Gentile/Kafir

We're talking about murdering women and children for the crime of being Ahmadi Muslims. These people didn't harm anyone. They simply recognized a new Prophet. One who came with a few new revelations from Allah. That's it. Why would their OWN citizens murder them over something so fucking asinine as a few new revelations?

This act perfectly fits the definition of Islamic Terrorism as discussed by Scifes and myself in 10 misconceptions of Islam. I think we can agree #1 most certainly is NOT a misconception. Here's a blatant example of Islamic Terrorism.

Reminds me of the Crusades (Christian or Islamic) or the Israelis and Palestinians. One God, One Book, One Prophet; who'd of thought it'd come to this?
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Apparently the attacks were carried out by the Pakistani Taliban, which is kinda like the Iraqi al Qaeda. Stuff you never thought you'd ever see in the country until there was overt foreign interference.
It should be noted Shia Muslims have born the brunt of Sunni aggression for years [along with Ahmadi and Christians]. What role does religious belief play in this violence?
A little historical perspective:

1974 riots and constitutional amendment

In 1974 a violent campaign, mainly led by the Jamaat-e-Islami, was started against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Pakistan on the pretext of a clash which took place between Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis at the railway station of Rabwah. This campaign resulted in several Ahmadi casualties and destruction of Ahmadiyya property, including the descretation of mosques and graves.

As a result of pressure from this agitation, legislation and constitutional changes were enacted to criminalise the religious practises of Ahmadis by preventing them from claiming to be Muslim or from "behaving" as Muslims. Pakistan's parliament adopted a law declaring Ahmadis to be non-Muslims; the country's constitution was amended to define a Muslim “as a person who believes in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad”.

Geesh look at this: Lahore riots of 1953
In 1953 at the instigation of religious parties, anti-Ahmadiyya riots erupted in Pakistan, killing scores of Ahmadi Muslims and destroying their properties. There were severe agitations against the Ahmadis in which street protests were held, political rallies were carried out, and inflammatory articles were published. These agitations led to 2,000 Ahmadi deaths. Consequently, martial law was established and the Pakistan's Federal Cabinet was dismissed by Governor-General Ghulam Muhammad.

This problem goes way WAY back before the US led war in Iraq or Afghanistan.

I'm sure that if you could think level headedly about this, you'd easily see the problem is rooted in theological bigotry. :shrug: I don't know why you're so loath to come to terms with these problems being Islamic based. What are you gonna do when the USA implodes and exists the ME? What next when the Sunni are killing Shia or Xians or Ahmadiyya? Blame the Chinese?

Wake up....... oh and the count could be as high as 98 dead. For what? Insanity.
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Because tragically for them they are kufar according to those who did the killing, allahu akbar baby allahu akbar.

Ahmadis recognize another prophet after muhammed and that is intolerable for many sunnis.
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Doesn't this suggest that the concept of a Last Prophet is ungodly? And, more importantly, not compatible with modernity?

Sadly, this whole "Last Prophet" was, again, simply another ploy used by the Caliphate to perpetuate hereditary familiar rule. No new Prophet, no contemporary challenges to the family's lineage = less fear of being overthrown. 1200 years into the future and people are burned in their houses - who'd have thunk it?