Why support it if you cannot stomach it?


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
I've received PMs from people regarding "shocking" images. While I understand the shock value of such images, I find it odd, for instance that people who do not consider a fetus as alive would find the products of conception as "shocking". Or people who support war would find images of war "shocking".

If you cannot even look at it, how do you support it?
you are being silly.
of course images of war are shocking,to normal people seeing someone dead is a shocking thing.
i think that the second world war was a just fight on englands' part but i still dont want to see images of german soliders who have been blown to bits/gutted/decapitated.
why on earth would i?
If you cannot even look at it, how do you support it?

What is more important is why do you need to post such images? It would seem all you want is a reaction to see what people say, not for anything that be remotely considered compassionate or sympathetic.
What is more important is why do you need to post such images? It would seem all you want is a reaction to see what people say, not for anything that be remotely considered compassionate or sympathetic.

But if you support it, why would you care?
I react to those images with sympathy but understanding as well for someone who does not want something shouldn't keep it for it would only become mistreated and eventually could end up abused and dead anyway.
So you think its justifiable to support bombing people because they would have died anyway?

you are being silly.
of course images of war are shocking,to normal people seeing someone dead is a shocking thing.
i think that the second world war was a just fight on englands' part but i still dont want to see images of german soliders who have been blown to bits/gutted/decapitated.
why on earth would i?

So you're fine with it, as long as someone else is doing the blowing to bits, gutting and decapitation on your behalf? You don't want to see or know what is happening?
Yes, how do Republicans not support abortion, yet overwhelming support the invasion of Muslim countries? What about the thousands of fetuses dead in Afghanistan and Iraq. Abortion on the largest scale imaginable.
So you think its justifiable to support bombing people because they would have died anyway?

Your "twisting" of my words only shows that you want to be confrontational so I'm going to stop with this nonsense.
I think blood and guts naturally make most people squeamish. Most people support invasive surgery, but get sick or are disgusted by watching the procedure. I think something about viewing the interior of your own or another person's body makes most people freak out, so maybe its a natural human response. People don't seem to be to bother when looking at a dead body at a wake or funeral, but then their guts aren't on display either. People even flip out when they watch a needle be inserted into their skin or watch the tube when blood is being drawn, which is why doctor's usually don't like the patients to look. Just because you don't like to watch large needles being inserted into you or watching your blood pour into a bag doesn't mean you don't support blood donation.
So would you call a needle insertion or a picture of a surgical procedure as "shocking"?
Because thats not my question. If you find yourself reacting to such images, what does say about your ideology?

So you would question a woman's ideology if she did not believe in abortion or the right to choose, but only in 'God's will', she then miscarries her fetus, tells herself it is okay since it is 'God's will'... but then reacts negatively when shown an image of 'God's will' in the form of her miscarried fetus? By your argument, she shouldn't be reacting to it either because the miscarriage is a product of 'God's will'.

My mother is pro-choice, but also a Catholic, something she attempts to reconcile with herself quite often. But she virtually becomes faint at the sight of blood.. any blood.. And yes, if she were shown an image of an aborted fetus, she would probably react very negatively. Not because she doesn't want to see 'dead babies', but the mere sight of blood makes her feel like she's going to pass out cold.

I edited the threads in which you posted those images. Whether pro-choice people react to them or not, you are missing one important thing. Not everyone likes the sight of blood. You may think that because many support the right for the woman to choose and/or they don't think the fetus is 'alive' as you and I are alive or a newborn baby is alive, does not mean they are able to look at the blood and guts..
So you would question a woman's ideology if she did not believe in abortion or the right to choose, but only in 'God's will', she then miscarries her fetus, tells herself it is okay since it is 'God's will'... but then reacts negatively when shown an image of 'God's will' in the form of her miscarried fetus? By your argument, she shouldn't be reacting to it either because the miscarriage is a product of 'God's will'.

My mother is pro-choice, but also a Catholic, something she attempts to reconcile with herself quite often. But she virtually becomes faint at the sight of blood.. any blood.. And yes, if she were shown an image of an aborted fetus, she would probably react very negatively. Not because she doesn't want to see 'dead babies', but the mere sight of blood makes her feel like she's going to pass out cold.

I edited the threads in which you posted those images. Whether pro-choice people react to them or not, you are missing one important thing. Not everyone likes the sight of blood. You may think that because many support the right for the woman to choose and/or they don't think the fetus is 'alive' as you and I are alive or a newborn baby is alive, does not mean they are able to look at the blood and guts..

So basically its a squeamish reaction that would enable war and abortion as a hypothetical concept, as long as they did not have to come face to face with the blood and gore aspect of it. How weird.
So basically its a squeamish reaction that would enable war and abortion as a hypothetical concept, as long as they did not have to come face to face with the blood and gore aspect of it. How weird.

You find it weird because you are not squeamish. But some people are, regardless of their stance on abortion or the war.
I differentiated between people who do not support it and those who do. One would think the squeamish would not enable stuff they cannot even bear to look at.
I differentiated between people who do not support it and those who do. One would think the squeamish would not enable stuff they cannot even bear to look at.

Why ever not? As Cutsie pointed out above, do you think a person squeamish about needles would not 'enable' someone to give them an injection or draw their blood when they deem it medically necessary?

Squeamish people are able to 'enable' a lot of very gory things, so long as they do not have to look at it. Just as a woman who is pro-choice may not want to have the images of aborted or miscarried fetuses jammed down her throat simply because she thinks women should have the right to choose... You don't know whether she would have an abortion or not, or whether she agrees or disagrees with the procedure on a personal level. She might very well be the type of person who would never have an abortion, but she thinks that women should have the right to choose. She might also think that a 12 week old fetus is not "alive" as she is alive, because of the simple fact that at 12 weeks, the fetus is not viable in any way, shape or form.. ie. it would not survive outside of the woman's womb, does not mean that she would abort every single pregnancy she happened to have or whether she agrees with it. Pro-choice is not about telling women to abort their pregnancies because the fetus is not alive. Pro-choice is about women having the right to choose for their own bodies and themselves. And frankly, you have no right to try to drive the point home by showing them images of aborted fetuses in an attempt to tell them they are ideologically wrong.

I am pro-choice and I also believe that a 12 week old fetus is not "alive", for the simple reason I stated above. Does that mean I would have an abortion for an unwanted pregnancy? No. I honestly don't think I could ever do it. But that does not give me the right to impose my own personal beliefs or stance on the matter upon other women. While abortion is not right for me, does not mean it is not something that might be important or essential for another woman and it should be up to her to decide for herself, without being pressured from either side of the fence. And frankly, I find it downright insulting to have pictures of abortions being used as a tool to protest against abortion. It is highly hypocritical for pro-lifers, who value human life as being sacred and important, to then use the images of what they consider a destroyed or murdered life to further their political and personal beliefs.

So yes Sam, some people are squeamish and do not wish to see graphic photos of abortions, regardless of where they stand on the matter.