why so?


Registered Member
hello there!!why is it that aliens seem to visit only 1st world countries where media seems to promote governments activities to be so hushed up with regards to matters related to alien abduction,illegal experiments being performed and so on. what abt the 3rd world countries?!!!is their government too busy tackling their infrastructural problems to deal with aliens in their back yard or that aliens hate visiting such places.anyone to shed some light on this?
Assuming that the aliens are real, let's look at this from their perspective. most 3d world countries are too populated for a nice, discreet abduction. If somebody wanders off on their own, any number of things can happen to them before the aliens get to them, from guerilla press-gangs to stray land-mines (actually, they're not stray, they're right where somebody left them). If somebody actually does get abducted, it's usually written off to a religious experience, be it a form of rapture or demonic possession. Either that or they just get told that they are crazy and not to talk about such things.

Telecommunications could be another problem. When's the last time you got a fax from the Dogon? ;)

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
I happened to read an article in the Globe And Mail today about UFO sightings in China (they're on the rise). I'm not sure if you would consider China to be '3rd' world, but the political climate is certainly different than in western democratic nations. Interestingly enough, the government-controlled media does do limited reporting of UFO events, and non-governmental UFO groups are allowed to publish newsletters.
I'm afraid that this is another completely false idea about UFOs.

UFOs are a worldwide phenomena and there are many reported cases of Close Encounters of the Third and Fourth kinds happening in third world countries or remote regions.

I shall desist from stating some of the many cases histories here.
Spadge- Can you point me someplace where I can read some of those reports? It'd be much appreciated. I don't get much time to surf anymore.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
The MSN portal site has a blurb about UFO sightings in china...
Yessire has a point though. UFO sightings are an undeniably american phenomen. Not to discount reports from other countries, but our entire culture is based on accepting things at face value, allowing hoaxsters to easily get what they seek.
Sorry Oxygen, but I don't have any links regarding this particular area. Also, I'm in the same boat as you recently with regards to surfing. I simply haven't got the time to go looking at the moment.
I am originally from Norway, and there is a bunch of sightings going on over there, the same with Scandinavian countries in general.

UFO sightings is not American only, it's just that you think it is.
ok!assuming that i know that the so called sighting r going around every where, then where do i start looking for updated info.?correct me if i'm wrong but why isn't countries like INDIA,PAKISTAN,AFGHANISTAN and other asian countries(save and except china as pointed by some)never seem to report sightings as often as AMERICA,JAPAN etc.does?
I wasnt trying to say UFOs were american only, but it may have come out that way. It is just that our whole culture is more gullible. There are more sightings in america not because we are visited more, but because more people report it.
in repose to oxygen's reply i must say even if third world countries r over populated ,people being abducted cannot go unreported...however in america every third kid claims to have been abducted....or atleast claims having seem a spacecraft!!!!
i'm glad to know corp.hudson that there is someone who agrees with me!!!do you think this ufo thing has got something serious to do with the government trying to enhace its defense technology?
Think about the analogy, if a tree falls down in a forest and nobody was around to hear it did it make a sound?

UFO sighting would be occuring in 3rd world coutries its just that you wouldn't hear about it. :)

As Deadwood pointed out, people just don't here about it and hardly no one reports. I mean who would they report it to? Have you ever seen a third world cuontry with as big a communications and news networks as the U.S.A. , Japan , or England? Nope, I don't think so! :p :rolleyes: All I'm ask'n is for you to think. And besides you should already know how to!

